New School Year Challenges With anything new, there is an adjustment period. A time of trial and error. And sometimes lots of errors. This Fall has been a huge change for us, and new school year challenges have made an impact on everyone in the family. Not all the challenges have been bad, but they are things we need to work on...otherwise they would be a challenge, … [Read more...]
Reasons I feel like a bad mom
Bad Mom Bad mom, terrible mother, worst mama in the world. Just a few titles I feel that could describe me today. This isn't exactly a new feeling, but lately I've been feeling like more of a bad mom than usual. Maybe it's the weather (it's been freezing with no sunshine,) maybe it's my lack of sleep (just not getting good sleep lately,) or maybe it's just a combination of … [Read more...]
What’s new in the new year
New Traditions Did you have a nice Christmas? We had a bit of a new schedule this year. Since I've been married, we've spent Christmas Eve at my parent's, Christmas morning at home, and then Christmas afternoon/evening with my husband's mom's side of the family. This year, we still went to my parent's, but then we also went to my husband's dad's side of the family on … [Read more...]
Swim Lessons – What to expect
Swim Lessons We are on day 2 of swim lessons. Yesterday went pretty well, and I thought I'd share our experience, in case you're thinking about swim lessons for your kids. It's a great skill to have, and so important for their safety. Taking 3 to the Pool Both the twins, who are 3, and my oldest, who is 5, are taking lessons. My oldest son took an introductory … [Read more...]
Anywhere and Everywhere
Since it's Saturday and the beginning of Summer, I thought I'd share a post with you that I wrote as a guest on another blog, Your Modern Family. These are my tips and tricks to going anywhere with your kids. I hope you'll find it helpful as you head out on your road trips, or even a trip to the store. In my house, with twin toddlers and a 5-year-old, we spend more time … [Read more...]