Support System I'm not sure how we would have made it through our NICU journey without a support system. The people that drove us to the NICU, watched our oldest son, brought us meals, listened to us cry, and prayed with us made an unbearable journey a little more bearable. The biggest part of our support system was our parents, and the twins' grandparents. They would visit … [Read more...]
23 weeks: A Fight to the End
23 Weeks While some women experience premature birth unexpectedly, others are aware every step of the journey could result in an extremely early birth. Today's Micro Preemie was born after a 23 week fight, including his mother's struggles to get pregnant. Even though I thought I was prepared for my twins to come early, I was truly not ready for them to come as early as they … [Read more...]
Preemie Mom: Why I will Always be One
When You're a Preemie Mom... You measure in ounces and millimeters. You've never seen someone so small, yet so perfect The strongest person you've ever met is the one you gave birth to. Before you are a preemie mom... Your heart hurts and your head spins with statistics and odds stacked against your baby. You beg your body to help you in any way that it … [Read more...]
Intrauterine Growth Restriction: Hope for the Smallest
Intrauterine Growth Restriction IUGR, or intrauterine Growth Restriction, is a very serious complication during pregnancy. A baby does not receive the nutrition it needs to grow at the rate that it should. Intrauterine growth restriction is a condition of the placenta, and it can be caused by many different reasons, some unknown. Unfortunately, there isn't much medically … [Read more...]
Bed Rest and Pprom: Sebastian’s Story
Bed Rest At the beginning of my twin pregnancy, I read a lot about bed rest. It's a pretty common occurrence in twin pregnancies, and honestly, it didn't seem to bad to me. Unfortunately, I didn't realize the full gravity of everything that would lead to bed rest. Bed rest isn't simply laying on the couch or in bed just for the fun of it, or just because you are … [Read more...]