November 2016 I, for one, am very happy to say hello to November 2016. More importantly, I was just ready for October to be over. It was a busy month, but I don't feel like I got much accomplished. I started it off in a funk, and ended it with a full on mommy meltdown. Luckily, I have a support system that helped me make it through. I'm not quite ready to share about it … [Read more...]
October 2016 Goals, with a September Recap
October 2016 Goals Hello October! I know I'm a few days late setting my October 2016 goals, but this month has been jam-packed already. We started off the month celebrating a good friend's birthday, had a family movie date the following day, and then celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary on the 3rd. Plus, there were some very special Homecomings on Micro Preemie Monday. So … [Read more...]