November 2017 I'll admit I'm happy November 2017 is here. October was a busy month filled with birthday parties, school field trips, house maintenance, health appointments, and kid activities. It ended on a good note with Halloween, but there were a lot of bumps along the way. It was the month of one step forward, two steps back. For example, we took everyone for a fun … [Read more...]
October 2017 Goals with a look back at September
October 2017 October 2017 is here! We finally turned off our air conditioner, and I've stopped myself from turning on the far. September was a busy, fun month, but I'm glad to start fresh with some new goals and ideas. I caught some kind of cold/virus/yuck to celebrate the last few days of the month, so I need to work on improving my immune system. I'm totally … [Read more...]