November 2017
I’ll admit I’m happy November 2017 is here.
October was a busy month filled with birthday parties, school field trips, house maintenance, health appointments, and kid activities. It ended on a good note with Halloween, but there were a lot of bumps along the way. It was the month of one step forward, two steps back.
For example, we took everyone for a fun family activity to see the China Lights. It’s an exhibit in a local park with beautiful lights and lanterns.
We went early to find good parking and fewer people, and instead was met by thousands of people who had the same idea. We had to park far away, wait in line for over a half hour, and the kids were crazy/crabby (since we went after school).
After having a talk with them about behavior and getting some food, we were able to enjoy the sights. We did, however, go the wrong way, and ended up battling a sea of people just to see some swans and dragons they had advertised. Plus, since we parked so far away, I ended up carrying Little P, who pulled on my neck. So, mommy had a sore neck just in time to teach ballet the next day.
One other example:
I finally planned out my day the night before. I’d been working hard getting a schedule for myself. I even packed up my car while waiting with the kids for the bus.
Of course, my car wouldn’t start.
So, I spent the day doing laundry and housework. And it was a good thing I did some laundry, since our washing machine hose got clogged a few days later. Water everywhere, including sitting in the washer for 2 days while we waited for the plumber to come.
See what I mean about 2 steps backward?
Anyways, before I share my November 2017 goals, here’s how we did on the rest of October:
October 2017 Goals
Personal Goals
- Have a date night to celebrate our Wedding Anniversary No. Our anniversary fell on a week night, so we were hoping for a weekend date night. Didn’t happen. We did go on a few family date nights, though.
Don’t stress about Mr. B’s Birthday PartyI’ll give this one a half. I didn’t stress until at the party….trying to keep track of all those kids!Be more patient with the twins and Mr. B when they get home from schoolI’ve been really working on this one. We have good days and bad.- Figure out my own schedule at home Not Yet, but I’m also working on this.
Family Goals
Have a fantastic 8th Birthday Party for Mr. BYES!!! Read about it HERE
Knock some items off our Fall Bucket ListYes! The boys went to a Pumpkin Patch, we had our own dress up fun, and collected lots of pumpkins. We’re still going to carve them!Have a fun HalloweenYES! I dressed up for my dance classes, took the boys Trick or Treating, and helped out in both school parties
Blog Goals
- Write out a blogging schedule Nope
- Write at least 1 post a week ahead of time Not even close
Even though I didn’t work on the blog much, and we didn’t get everything on the list done, we did get some other things accomplished.
We got Mr. B a new loft bed, so he has more play room and a desk to do homework. The twins got his old bed, and we finally got rid of their toddler crib/beds. We put their mattresses side by side, and it works great!
We also got some new windows, so will be a lot warmer in this house when it starts getting cold. I’m not going to mention that we’ve already had snow flurries.
And my car is OK and the washing machine fixed.
On to November 2017!!!!
November 2017 Goals
Personal Goals
- Figure out my schedule It worked putting my closed cleaning first, so I’m hoping to repeat that magic!
- Join a new gym As sad as I am to leave the YMCA, we no longer need their childcare, and their class schedule has really been lacking.
- Order a new pillow I mentioned the neck pain, and it’s something that is chronic. I got a great pillow suggestion, so I need to finally order.
- Get my hair done Appointment is on the books
Family Goals
- Figure out insurance and doctors Since my husband is in real estate, we have to buy our own insurance. It’s time for renewal, and our current doctor (my childhood doctor who I will be lost without) is retiring. So, time to figure out what’s best for the family.
- Deal with some behavior and mental health issues I’m not quite ready to share, but hopefully soon
- Do some fun Fall activity
- Take a Family Picture
Blog Goals
- Work on the blog more I really want to get ahead and publish some posts I have just drafts of.
- Get a few more products and post my Holiday Gift Guide If you are a small business, and would like to be included, please message me at
And that’s a wrap!
What do you have planned for November 2017? How was your October?
You got through a lot of your October goals! I’m pretty impressed! I’m glad you guys had a great Halloween, we did too! And if you ever want to talk privately about mental health, I’m glad to listen. I deal with it too but also don’t share much online about it. Take care of yourself girl. Hugs.
Thank you Beth. I really appreciate that.
I reallyyyy need to clean out my closet (and apartment in general). Decluttering to the max! I’m glad you had a fun Halloween!
Best of luck to you on your goals this month!
Oh boy, I’m sorry for all the rough happenings last month. I hope that you have a MUCH better November. I keep thinking of doing a gift guide – I’ve done them before, but we’ll see! lol
Thank you so much Lauren!
I love how you’re so good about going through your goals…and that you’re not hard on yourself for the ones that didn’t turn out as planned! I’m sorry about your washing machine, but congrats on your little one’s birthday party, and it sounds like the pumpkins were super fun. On to November!
Glad your washing machine and car are fixed! I love when I can clean out my closet(which isn’t very often), and get organized, makes me feel so much more organized in other areas of my life too. I also have neck issues, I currently use a shredded natural rubber pillow, it’s ok but not sure it’s the perfect one.
I know what you mean about how busy it can be! Sometimes you have to take two steps back to start moving forward again.
So glad to hear that your car and washer are on the up and up now.
I’m agreeing with Meredith – no matter how crazy or a whirlwind things seem and are, your goals and recapping them is always on point and something I envy. Seriously. I hope November is a better, less rushed, less packed one for you although I’m sure pretty unlikely given that the holidays are quickly approaching.
October was very similar for me–I’m also glad that it’s November!! I think this month will be better 🙂 Good luck with your goals this month. I would love to get ahead on blogging too–I never can seem to do that though!