Do you have a Word of the year? I'm not sure how long this concept has been around, but I first became familiar with a "word of the year" in 2016. Since then, I haven't done it consistently each year, but I decided to try it again for 2020. If you're not familiar, the premise is to pick a word that will shape your year. It can be something that you want to work on, a … [Read more...]
NICU Nurse, but Mom First: Blakelee’s Story
NICU Nurse Being a NICU nurse must be extremely hard, yet very rewarding. Watching them care for my twins, I gained so much respect and admiration for each and every one. Not only does a NICU nurse care for the most delicate, fragile babies, but they also care for the parents of those babies. They are the people who are responsible for explaining what the doctors mean, that … [Read more...]
No Yelling Challenge: Changing Bad Behavior
Yelling Before I became a parent, I was a relatively calm person. Sure, I had my moments, but I've never yelled so much in my life until having children. Now, if I can make it through the day...heck, if I can make it through a couple of hours without yelling, it's a miracle. If you've read this blog before, you know I've wrestled with Mom Guilt over the yelling. I try so … [Read more...]