The Week So Far Even though it's only Wednesday, it has not been my favorite week. Remember when I talked about that black rain cloud following me around? Well, I think it's still there. I just can't seem to shake it for some reason. I usually try to put a spin on things and think of the good stuff when it comes to posting, but today, I'm just going to vent. And wallow. And … [Read more...]
Friday Five with a St. Patty’s Day Twist
Friday Five Have you ever felt like a little rain cloud was following you around? Well, in my case it's been a snow cloud. Literally. The other day, I was cleaning the snow from my car, and no matter what I did, snow kept falling on my head. It was actually quite comical. So instead of focusing on all the yuck, I'm going to share the good things with you in my Friday … [Read more...]