LuLaRoe Have you heard of the Fashion company LuLaRoe? I kept hearing so many great things about their leggings, like how soft and comfortable they are, so when my friend Danielle messaged and asked if I wanted to try some pieces out, I was super excited. I've always loved clothing, but as a mom now, I tend to go for more comfort than fashion these days. Since LuLaRoe's … [Read more...]
Holiday 2016 Happenings Here and at Home
Holiday 2016 Thanksgiving is over, and Christmas is on the way. It's December today! I still can't really believe it. So, I wanted to share some of our Thanksgiving weekend, and keep you up-to-date on our holiday 2016 happenings, both at home and on the blog. Let's start with a recap of this past weekend. Yes, I know it's almost a new weekend, but I'll explain the delay … [Read more...]