Holiday 2016
Thanksgiving is over, and Christmas is on the way. It’s December today! I still can’t really believe it. So, I wanted to share some of our Thanksgiving weekend, and keep you up-to-date on our holiday 2016 happenings, both at home and on the blog.
Let’s start with a recap of this past weekend. Yes, I know it’s almost a new weekend, but I’ll explain the delay in just a moment.
The Day Before
Mr. B was off of school on Wednesday, so our “weekend” started early.
I wanted to get in one last workout, so my Dad was kind enough to come watch the boys. Normally, the twins head to the gym with me for playtime in the childcare, but Mr. B doesn’t like to go anymore. “It’s for babies,” according to him.
After the gym, I took all three boys on some errands. We had to pick up the wine for Thanksgiving, and then I thought I would get them all a haircut.
We started errands at Trader Joe’s. I had promised the boys they could push the little shopping carts, but of course, they were in “repair” until after Thanksgiving.
Meltdown #1
Luckily, there were samples of some kind of chocolate pie, cranberry juice, and cheese. Also, the same women that told us about the carts, told us about “Lulu.” Lulu is a stuffed lemur that is hiding in the store. When you find her, you tell the cashier, and get a prize.
With suckers in their mouths (the prize,) we headed to get the haircuts. I had attempted to cut it myself last week, and did not do a very good job. Luckily, the patient hair dressers worked their magic.
I should have quit while I was ahead, but I needed a few things at Target. Silly mommy.
Meltdown #2
Even though I warned them ahead of time we would not be buying any toys, the whining and crying started almost immediately. I told them how Christmas and Santa was coming, but it made no difference.
We left Target, and I made everyone lay down for a nap.
It was also early to bed for all, as we had a busy Thanksgiving planned.
The day started off great.
My husband made an egg casserole and cinnamon rolls, plus Mimosas!
Then, I did a little work while he entertained the boys, and we switched.
Finally, it was time to get everyone ready. Here’s the final product:
We had a full day:
- Appetizers, drinks with my husband’s family
- Dinner with my family
- Black Friday shopping with my Mom
The Rest
The rest of the Thanksgiving Holiday 2016 weekend went by in a blur of more Christmas shopping, a date night for me, Mr. B, and my husband to see the play of Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, Christmas decorating, and lots of brotherly love fighting.

It’s funny how hard I think it is having the twins home all the time, and then you add Mr. B in the mix, and it’s even crazier. If that’s even possible.
While it was a pretty great weekend, I was really looking forward to getting back to our “normal” routine on Monday.
But, it was not meant to be.
While I was hustling to get Mr. B out the door for school, he started crying. He then said his ear hurt. Since he’s had a lot of ear problems in the past, it was off to Urgent Care.
Diagnosed with a double ear infection, plans for the week were changed…and blog posts delayed. While his ears felt better, the medication didn’t sit well in Mr. B’s tummy. I’ll spare you any further details.
Upcoming Holiday 2016 Blog Posts
Even with the delay, I still have some great things planned for you. In no particular order, from now until Christmas:
- A Christmas Gift Round-up
- Party Planning
- Health/Wellness Update
- Goals for the month and New Year
- Micro Preemie Monday
- World TTTS Awareness Day
There won’t be as many posts as normal, but I’m going to try to fit as much in as I can. I hope you’ll stick with me, and send some get well thoughts to Mr. B.
How was your Thanksgiving? What do you have planned for the next couple weeks? Are you ready for Christmas?!
Aw, they look so cute! 🙂 Sounds like you’ve got some great blog posts coming up! Can’t wait to check them out!
Love this. I almost forgot it was Dec 1st. Time flies. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving was quiet since we just stayed at home. I did a lot of shopping which means I’m done with my Christmas shopping! Yay!
One Awesome Momma
Sounds like a good holiday despite a few meltdowns and an ear infection. You look lovely too!
So fun! Your boys look so handsome <3
Sounds like fun up until the ear infection 🙁 I love the boys sweaters!! ?
Fun of shopping with kids, right? I don’t often have problems with the requests at the store anymore. If a request becomes a tantrum, I remind my daughter about the consequence jar. Usually stops arguments in their tracks!
Just stinks they can’t think about it further and realize they’ll get so much at Christmas.
And you braved the Black Friday shopping? Whew … that scares me lol
I’m looking forward to the Christmas gift round up! I love all the different festive content people come up with for their blogs!
I can just imagine the fun and the chaos with your boys lol. They are so cute! What a great way to spend your Thanksgiving, we have a small family so we just only celebrate ourselves but it is still fun. Enjoy the holidays Shann!
I hope Mr. B starts to feel better soon. Anytime a little one is sick it is hard on the whole family.
I loved reading this, and I feel you about the tantrums – my 17 month old already knows the stores have toys – it was fun reading about your family and those boys are the cutest!
Wow, that’s a lot going on! No wonder you didn’t get to the blog post very quickly. I hope his ear infection gets better soon and that you don’t have to deal with more of those.
awww the pink hello kitty tree! so cute!
Wow! So busy, but still positive and joyful. That’s great! The holidays can really get the best of us parents, but it’s important to find the silver linings here and there. I have a toddler so I definitely know what the tantrums are like! You’re doing a great job by the looks of it!
How did you like the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory play? That sounds like so much fun.
We loved it! It was the perfect introduction into theatre for my 7-year-old 🙂