Life Lately How can I describe life lately? Hmmmm. Hectic? Productive? Exhausting? Unpredictable? Yes, yes, yes, and more yes. With a snap of my fingers and a blink of my eyes, it's finally Spring, almost May, and nearing the end of the school year. How did we get here so fast? I haven't written a post in quite a while because I can barely keep my head above water. … [Read more...]
Volunteer at School: 4 Best Reasons
Volunteer If you're anything like me, you want to know what's going on at your kids' school. When my son gets home from kindergarten each day, I ask him question after question, but don't get much information in return. Well, I figured out a way to find out more. Volunteer at his school! Not only do I get to see him in action, but there are other benefits too. When I was … [Read more...]