If you’re anything like me, you want to know what’s going on at your kids’ school. When my son gets home from kindergarten each day, I ask him question after question, but don’t get much information in return. Well, I figured out a way to find out more. Volunteer at his school!
Not only do I get to see him in action, but there are other benefits too.
When I was in elementary school, I remember my mom volunteering to help in our classroom. I loved having her there, and it always made me feel special. She also was a troop leader for my Brownies troop, which was pretty awesome too. I want my boys to have the same kind of memories of me some day.
So, I’ve come up with a list of the 4 best reasons to be a volunteer at your child’s school.
4 Best Reasons to Volunteer
1. I get to see my Son.
This is the first year that my son has been away from me everyday for 8 hours at a time. Even though he can drive me crazy, I miss him a lot when he’s not around. By volunteering at his school, I get to see his cute little face and break up that 8 hours. I think it’s making the transition a little easier for both of us. Well, mostly me.
I’ve volunteered to help out during his art class every other Friday. His teacher emailed asking for volunteers, and I was really excited to be able to help out during art, which is one of my son’s favorite activities.
The art teacher is AWESOME. She’s teaching them a little art history, then they get to do some art. A perfect combination.
2. I get to see my Son in Action.
In addition to volunteering every other Friday, I also volunteered to help with a few field trips. Today, was the first one.
My son insisted on taking the bus to school, so I drove myself, signed in the school office, and walked to the classroom. I got to watch from a distance as he arrived at his locker, put his lunch bag in a bin, and got out his blue folder for the teacher. It was like being a fly on the wall. It ROCKED!
I then said hello to him, and let him go about his morning routine. They all get to pick an activity they want to do until it’s time for announcements and the Pledge of Allegiance. Then they all sit on the rug and do some cute good morning songs.
It was so fun to see him interacting with the other kids, but now I know why he doesn’t really know anyone’s names yet. All the kids are pretty intent on doing their own thing at first, then once they’re warmed up, they talk to each other a little more. They are still all getting used to each other too.
3. I get to meet his Teachers and Assistants
We had an orientation, and a parent information night, but by volunteering, I get to see his teacher more often and get to know her a little better. Along with her, she has two assistants in the classroom, and I got to talk to one of them on our bus ride for the field trip today. It’s really nice getting to know the people you child spends a majority of their day with.
As I also mentioned, I got to meet his Art teacher, as well. Even though he only goes once a week, Art is one thing he really likes to do. I’m glad he has someone who will be supportive of his creative abilities.
4. I get to meet other Parents
At the field trip today, there were three other parent volunteers. One of the other mother’s is also an art class volunteer too. It was nice to be able to say hello and find out which kids were theirs.
While I didn’t get a lot of time to talk to the other parents, it was at least a way to get an introduction and hopefully the start of a connection. I’d love to have some play dates in the future, and it’d be nice to make some new friends myself.
Lucky to Volunteer
I know not every parent can volunteer during the day because they have to work. I’m really lucky that I get the chance to play a small part in my son’s education. I’m also lucky that I have grandparents close by to watch the twins.
If you do have the chance, or if there are events you can participate in after school with your kids, I hope that you do. Time goes by just so fast, and any extra minute you get with them is precious.
Do you volunteer at your kid’s school? Attend any good field trips?
I volunteer in a local charity shop that raises funds for a local children’s hospice. People are often amazed I do it because I am so busy any way and have more than one paid job, but I love volunteering!
Good for you! Volunteering is amazing!
My fiance and I are getting married in March so naturally, the topic of kids has come up. We are both leaning towards me being a SAHM for this exact reason. Great post!
That’s awesome. Thank you!
That’s a really cool opportunity! I think it’s awesome that even if they have to go to school everyday, you can still take an active role in that part of their lives as well at this point!
Thank you Rachel!
I think it’s awesome that you’re volunteering at your son’s school! It’s the perfect way to be close to him but to not hover.
Exactly. Thank you!
I love to volunteer at my son’s school too! Last year (kindergarten) I volunteered on school picture day…only to find out you got your photo package for free for helping out! I was doing it for nothing other than to be helpful, but that was a nice surprise for sure!
That’s awesome!
My parents were always working and didn’t have the time to volunteer. I’d like to think if I had kids I’d take a little time out of my schedule to help out.
I’m sure you would 🙂
Shann, I love to volunteer at the boys’ school too! I’m able to meet all of their friends and put faces to the names I hear all about. Also, it is so nice to give back to the school 🙂
Exactly. Thanks Dana!
Coming from someone who works at an elementary school (one with a really small staff, too) parent volunteers are awesome! We always encourage parents to volunteer in their child’s classroom. And if they don’t want to be in the classroom, we always have things for them to do other places. We’ve had dad’s volunteer to help the custodian–or fill in whenever the custodian has been out. (We’d be totally fine with mom’s helping too, but so far only dad’s have volunteered.) It’s so encouraging to see parents who want to be involved in their child’s school and it’s also incredibly helpful for staff. 🙂
So great to hear! Thank you!
Volunteering anywhere is always great! But especially awesome if you get to check in on your little one 🙂 I volunteer at a local hospital.
Nice. That’s a great place to volunteer too.
I am the PTO President of my kids’ school but I always volunteer about 5 hours a week (in addition to the approximate 20 hours a week for PTO)in their classes, as well as in other classes they aren’t in. The need for volunteers at school is HUGE and I absolutely love, love, LOVE helping children with reading. To see how they grow as a reader over the year is the best.
That is so awesome Sara!
That sounds great! I love that the art teacher is doing a little art history, even with Kindergarten.
Yes. I was really impressed!
My children aren’t old enough for school yet; but I absolutely positively cannot WAIT for them to be old enough to volunteer to help at their schools! You’ve REALLY made me excited for school years!
Awe. Thanks! I’m so glad.
Volunteering at school is something I definitely want to do once I have kids. I think it’s really important to know what’s going on in the school system
You are so right! Volunteering at school is a great way to learn more about your child’s day and meet the other kids that they spend the day with. It is also important to support our schools by volunteering.
Thanks Shelah!
I love that you’re able to do this for your son! I agree, these benefits are so great. My mom volunteered in my classroom all the time when I was a kid, and it was so special. It was especially helpful for me because I was such a shy kid!
So cool. Thanks for sharing that Brittany! 🙂
I love being able to volunteer, I never get to now but it has been a great feeling for me
It is a great feeling!
I used to sub at my kids’ school, but at the time I only had one child attending school. I go and eat lunch with them on my days off sometimes or pick them up. I try to go to the PTO meetings and volunteer after school when I can.
That’s really great! I need to look into the PTO too.
Love all of your reasons… volunteering is such a great way to stay involved with your kiddos lives and let them know you’re always there. My mama was my girl scout leader, cheer coach, class volunteer… you name it she did it! i loved having her there and can’t wait to get involved in my kids activities some day!
That is awesome!
You are simply amazing! Another wonderful post! I love volunteering at my son’s school. Just wish I could do it more.
Awe. Thank you so much Nicole. I wish I could do it more too.
Love volunteering at the school for all the same reasons! I have a 4th grader and a Kindergartener and I have volunteered every year!
Awesome! So good to hear.
Such a great article and great reminder for all of us parents to be involved. My kids are grown now but even though I was a full-time working mom, I would take time off and go volunteer, and also take days off when I could to do on field trips and help chaperon – those were the best times!!!! Truly!
That’s awesome! Thanks Clare!
My mom used to volunteer in high school and I thought it was the coolest!
Awesome! I’m glad to hear that!
See I have a bit of a totally opposite view on this. While having parents volunteer in the class of their kids works with some kids, there are some kids where it just does not work. It makes the school environment very unsuccessful for the student. So as someone who works in the school, I beg all parents please only volunteer if you know it will not be a distraction to your child. Oh the stories I could tell. We are however very thankful always for those who do volunteer.
I can totally understand that. Luckily, my son didn’t seem to be distracted. He said hello, but then went about his business. He even sat with friends on the field trip instead of me, which was awesome.
I don’t have any kids yet, but I definitely want to volunteer when that time comes. I’d love to see the environment they are being taught in everyday.
Exactly! Thank you!
Hey Shann,
I’m so sorry I missed this post. Not sure how I missed this one. I remember volunteering at school when my daughter started. After a year of doing that I applied as a teacher’s assistant and started working at the school she went to.
I loved volunteering. It’s a great way to be involved in the kid’s education and watch the kids learning new things and meet other parents.
Have fun volunteering, you’re gonna love every minute of it!
No worries about missing it, Cori. I’m volunteering again tomorrow, and I’m super excited 🙂
I felt lucky that my work was flexible enough to be able to schedule time to volunteer at my daughter’s school. I agree, it’s an awesome opportunity to see our kids in action at school.