A Sedated MRI sounds scary. For a NICU mom, it really is. After breathing tubes and ventilators as a newborn, putting my child to sleep for any procedure is hard. So, when the doctors told me that he needed a sedated MRI, I freaked out a bit. In all reality, this is a routine procedure. However, there are always risks with any type of medical intervention, and especially, … [Read more...]
Late Summer: Making the Most of our Time
Late Summer With terrible, cold weather in Wisconsin and an awful sickness hitting our household, it hasn't been feeling like much of a vacation around here. It feels like we've hit late summer, and hardly accomplished anything. So, how do you make up for lost time? Simple. Squeeze as much fun into the last half of summer as we can! Late summer is definitely better … [Read more...]
PTSD: A Very Real Complication of Premature Birth
PTSD The term PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a condition people associate with experiences in the military or surviving a catastrophic life-experience, like a natural disaster or an accident. It is not always associated with pregnancy, birth, and prematurity, but it is a very real condition for women who experience those life-changing events. Worrying every day of … [Read more...]
An Angel and a Rainbow Baby
Kim's Story Continues Thank you for reading about Caleb yesterday. If you missed the post, you can read it HERE. Like many of us mother's of preemies, Kim was given devastating news about Caleb during her pregnancy, yet he defied the odds and the doctors. A Rainbow comes after a Storm Unfortunately, Kim's doctors were not wrong about her second pregnancy. While, it is a … [Read more...]