Late Summer
With terrible, cold weather in Wisconsin and an awful sickness hitting our household, it hasn’t been feeling like much of a vacation around here. It feels like we’ve hit late summer, and hardly accomplished anything.
So, how do you make up for lost time?
Squeeze as much fun into the last half of summer as we can! Late summer is definitely better than no summer at all.
Even though rain is in the forecast for the foreseeable future, we’re still going to make plans. Sure, those plans may be indoors, but we’ll still have fun! Summer isn’t just about weather, but a state of mind. It’s that relaxed feeling you get from no schedules, late(r) bedtimes, and fun adventures.
So, even though it’s a late summer here in Wisconsin, we’re not going to let it dampen our moods. We’re still going to make the most of the weather and free time. Even though it may not be record high temperatures, at least we don’t have to wear winter coats!
We may not have done everything we hoped in June, but we still did a lot. Plus, it will just make July that much more fun!
June Goals
Home Goals
Get the junk in the dumpster.YES!!!! The dumpster is completely filled! We are just waiting for the company to pick it up, and then garage parking here I come!- Get some light. No. We did start looking at fixtures for the bathroom, but haven’t found one yet. I think now that all the junk is gone we can concentrate on all the rest of the house projects.
Health Goals
- Add the boys to my gym membership. No. It’s been so rainy and cold, I have been waiting. This is the week!
- Stay Healthy. Oh boy. I don’t even know where to begin with this one. At the beginning of the month, I caught the stomach flu, and then two days later Strep throat. After 10 days of antibiotics, I finally felt better and stayed healthy for the rest of the month. No one else got it either, luckily.
Family Goals
Enjoy the last week of school.Yes! The boys finished out successful school years, but will definitely miss their teachers and friends this summer.- Make our Summer Bucket Lists. No. With my sickness, and then a ton of rainy, yucky weather, it hasn’t really felt like summer until this last week. Now is the time to do all the things!
Start Summer School.Yes! It started off a little rocky with a drop-off situation, but the boys all love summer school. We finally figured out the perfect time to drop-off the twins, so they go right to class, and we haven’t had tears since. Hooray!Get into our Summer Routine.Yes! We’ve got our summer school schedule down, made it to all Mr. B’s scheduled baseball games, all of his golf lessons, and even managed to squeeze in some fun.
Have a fun birthday party with friends.Yes! The twins had their first birthday party with school classmates, and it went better than expected. We took the kids bowling, ate pizza and cake, and they all had so much fun. Plus, no clean up required!
Professional Goals
Have a successful showcase with my dancers!Yes! The dancers did amazing, and I was so proud of them. It’s so fun to see how much they’ve grown in just one year.- Write that last California Post Finally. No. The sickness and the start of summer got in the way. July is it!
- Write my MKE Moms Blog Post. No. See above.
Not too bad. Even though I never want to be that sick again, I’m pretty proud that I made it through all of our end of the year activities. I also feel like I hit my quota for sickness, and deserve to be healthy for the rest of the year.
Plus, even with all of the cold and rain, we managed a couple baseball games, the zoo, and a picnic. Now, for the best part….late summer fun!
July Goals
Home Goals
- Get those lights! We need to order fixtures and schedule a time for the electrician to come out for our kitchen and living room.
- Get the basement organized. Now that the junk is gone, time to organize. The kids will have more room to play, and we can have some room to entertain.
- Start planning our road trip. For the last few summers, we’ve hit a different spot each year, so let’s see if you can guess where we’re going. Our past trips are here, here, and here.
Health Goals
- Add boys to Gym membership. Since summer school ends mid-July, I will need to bring them with me to the gym. Plus, we can all swim in the pool after my workout.
- Get through appointments. All the boys had their teeth cleaned, so now it’s time for eye appointments. Mr. P also has some follow-up appointments in relation to his previous surgery. He will be having a sedated MRI, an X-ray of his spine, and a visit to the Urologist. These appointments will help us determine a plan of action regarding his spinal cord, which they found irregularities during his last surgery.
Family Goals
- Celebrate the 4th Rain is predicted, but we’re still going to have fun, no matter what.
- Finish out Summer School We have 2 more weeks left!
- Take Swim Lessons The boys are doing a week of summer camp at the beginning of August, so I want them to be safe around water.
- Do Fun Family Activities We’ve got activities planned for the 4th, and then we need to get some summer fun packed into the rest of the month. I’m hoping to go berry picking, to the zoo again, and to the pool.
Professional Goals
- Have a great start to the 6 week dance program. I’m teaching a couple classes during the week and a couple on Saturdays.
- Publish at least 3 new posts this month.
- Write 2 posts for MKE Moms Blog.
So, rain or shine, we’re ready for you July!
What late summer fun do you have planned?
It really didn’t feel like summer until a week or so ago, and now it’s quite. Definitely expecting some summer storms and pop-up showers, but overall, hopefully the weather will be okay and I can also get a lot of fun things packed in during the rest of the summer. I’m glad the twins had a nice birthday party. Bowling is always fun! And that’s great they are all enjoying summer school.
I’m sorry you were hit with so much sickness in June too! I will say you still did better on your goals for the month even with the sickness than I did! I’m impressed! I am hoping for a healthier July for both of us and a fresh start!!
Wishing the best for Mr. P! Glad you’re fitting in fun. Summer flies by.
I hope to get away to the mountains before the summer ends. Also, get to more baseball games! Both in the suite and in the crowd. I’d love to have a cold beer, bag of peanuts and a scorecard on a summer afternoon at the ballpark.
I love your mindset and you’re absolutely right–a late summer is better than no summer at all <3 Also isn't it a total bummer when you get sick in the summer time AND the weather is crappy to boot? It has been SO oppressively hot here in NJ that I haven't been able to do much outside either, which is a shame, because I was hoping for all the outdoor eating and drinking and merrymaking. Hope you feel better soon, momma, and I'm excited to hear where you guys end up going on your road trip!