Gratitude List With the mass amounts of rain and clouds this week, I was in a bit of a funk. I even shared an old post on Facebook talking about it. That's when a friend of mine recommended writing out a list of things you are grateful for. I thought a gratitude list sounded like the perfect solution for this blah week. I'm definitely a list maker. While I write out my … [Read more...]
Sick Days and Auction Winners
Sick Days As stay at home mom, you don't often get sick days. Sure, you still get sick, but you have to keep on doing what you're doing. Well, today, is one of my sick days. I feel like I've been hit by a truck, then run over again a few times. Luckily, I have the most helpful, loving grandparents who came and picked up the boys for the morning. I've taken some Advil, and … [Read more...]