Writing used to be my therapy. I only use the past tense because I haven't written anything for such a long time. I'm not sure if it was the pandemic, writer's block, burnout, or a combination of all three. Either way, I've missed writing, and I've definitely missed the therapy. How It Started I started this blog when the twins were in the NICU. It actually didn't start … [Read more...]
24 weeks: Justin’s Story
24 Weeks 24 weeks is the gestation that most doctors tell you is the age of viability. The age where they will try to save your baby if it is born. It is terrifying. I remember sitting in my hospital bed, a few days past viability and listening to the statistics being thrown at me. The quality of life predicted, the complications that would almost surely arise, and the … [Read more...]
It’s not You, It’s Me…and My Anxiety
Anxiety With recent happenings, my anxiety has gotten worse. I've suffered for over 20 years, and I thought I'd finally had everything under control. Well, as good as you can be with anxiety. However, one little (or big) thing can change everything when it comes to this condition. I say condition because I believe it is a medical condition. It's not a choice or a … [Read more...]
Premature Birth Reality: Olivia’s Story
Premature Birth Reality Every mom-to-be has hopes and dreams about what her pregnancy and birth will be like. Some of us even make birth plans, as we decorate our nursery and register for our baby shower. But, when your baby comes unexpectedly, things change. Unfortunately, premature birth reality can be quite different from what you pictured. Often, there isn't time for a … [Read more...]
Trusting and Letting Go: Adelynn’s Story
Trusting Trusting other people to care for your baby is hard. It's ten times harder when the baby is in the NICU. Not only do you miss your baby, but you have the added worry about their health. While you want to be with your baby every hour of the day, often times it's just not possible. Of course, doctors and nurses are highly skilled, and it is their job to care for your … [Read more...]