An Emergency Can Happen at Any Time. Actually, they usually happen at the worst times, don't they? Well, we had an emergency last night, and it taught me a lot about how unprepared we actually were to handle one. So, I wanted to share our experience in order to help others. Even though it may not be expected, a little preparation can be extremely helpful during an … [Read more...]
Pink Eye Stinks: Signs and Treatment
Pink Eye In addition to the normal craziness around here, the twins were both diagnosed with Pink Eye 2 weeks ago. (On a side note, some websites spell it Pinkeye and not "Pink Eye," but that looked weird to me!) While it's super annoying and a lot of fun to treat, Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) is not usually serious. However, it is very, very contagious. Since this is the … [Read more...]
Mid-Month Goal Check October
How can we be halfway through October already?! Even though some of the days have been very, very looooooong, the month has gone by really fast. How does that happen? I'm going to warn you now, this is not going to be a long post. Last night, I spent 2 hours in Urgent Care. My oldest son came home from school, and was very quiet. When I asked him what was wrong, he told me … [Read more...]
Ears and Outtakes
We had our first visit to Urgent Care on Saturday. Since the twins have been home over a year and are 19 months old, I'd say that's pretty good. Great, actually. So, let's rewind... My oldest went to a birthday party at one of those "kid zone" type places. He had a BLAST. Unfortunately, since we don't go out that often to crowded places, and are very diligent about anyone … [Read more...]