Holding Everything Together When you're in the NICU, everything is a struggle. Your sweet baby is trying to survive physically, while the parents are trying to do the same thing emotionally. Not to mention everything else in your life doesn't stop. There is work, school, family, and just day-to-day living obligations. Holding everything together during an experience like this … [Read more...]
Adoption of a Micro Preemie: Mason and Michael’s Story
Adoption Adoption is an amazing gift. It is not always an easy process, and it is often a very emotional one for everyone involved. I, personally, don't have any experience with adoption, however, I have friends that have been through the process. I have seen the heartache and the obstacles that can stand in the way. I have also seen the immense happiness and beautiful … [Read more...]
Support in the NICU: Luca’s Story
Support The NICU experience can be very isolating. It's a very emotional time, and can put a strain on any relationship. However, that support from family and friends is the most critical part of enduring a situation like this. It can be hard to know what to say or do for someone who has a baby fighting for survival in the NICU. As the parent, it can be hard to ask for … [Read more...]
23 weeker on Micro Preemie Monday: Jaxon’s Story
23 weeker Most hospitals consider 24 weeks the age of viability. Luckily, as medicine advances, other hospitals are willing to help babies that are born even earlier. I'm so happy to be able to introduce you to a 23 weeker today that has beaten all the odds. I remember being on bed rest, and having a calendar out in front of me. I marked off the days until I would be 24 … [Read more...]
Three Preemies: Courtney’s Story
Three Preemies I love being contacted by women that want to share their stories dealing with premature birth. When I received an email from Courtney, a reader and also a writer, I was very interested in hearing her story. Not only did she experience a premature birth once, but she's had three preemies. Three preemies, three NICU stays, and three times the worry. After … [Read more...]