24 Weeks 24 weeks is the gestation that most doctors tell you is the age of viability. The age where they will try to save your baby if it is born. It is terrifying. I remember sitting in my hospital bed, a few days past viability and listening to the statistics being thrown at me. The quality of life predicted, the complications that would almost surely arise, and the … [Read more...]
Updates for Premature Birth Awareness
Micro Preemie Updates Since I started Micro Preemie Mondays back in June, we've met over 20 families, each with a story to tell about Premature Birth. I checked in with the first 10 families in update posts, which you can read HERE and HERE. In honor of Premature Birth Awareness Month, today and tomorrow, I'm going to update you on 12 more of those families that we've met in … [Read more...]