Summer Celebrations We had a few celebrations over the weekend to start off this summer vacation. We had a new kindergarten graduate, a Whole30 graduate, and a few birthdays, so we took full advantage of making the first weekend of summer vacation memorable. Here's a recap of our summer far. Friday at the Zoo On the first official day of summer … [Read more...]
Last week, Whole30 Thursday
Last week I've almost made it through the last week of the Whole30. Today is day 29!!! If you missed what the Whole30 is all about, you can catch up HERE. Then, you can read my weekly updates HERE, HERE, and HERE. I have to admit it's been a pretty lazy last week. Sure, there's still a ton of dishes, lots of prep time, and shopping, but I didn't do quite as much … [Read more...]
Whole30 Thursday, Week Three
Whole30 Thursday It's Whole30 Thursday again! If you've missed what the heck I'm talking about, you can read about what Whole30 Thursday is all about HERE, and then read my updates HERE and HERE. I really can't believe this is the 3rd Whole30 Thursday post that I've written. I have officially made it 21 days! Only a little over a week to go. If you had asked me a couple … [Read more...]
June Goals and a look back at May
June June is here, and that means it's almost summer, right? We've had a few warm days, but I think we skipped all of the Spring weather here in Wisconsin. Hopefully, that means great summer weather instead. Fingers crossed! May was a pretty busy month, and June is shaping up to be just as busy. Let's take a look back on how I did with my May Goals. May 1.Get at least one … [Read more...]
Halfway Point, Whole30 Thursday
Halfway Point It's Day 15! I am officially at the halfway point of the Whole30! Who's halfway thru the Whole30? Me! Halfway thru!!!! Can you believe it? Nope, me neither. If you're not familiar with the Whole30, you can read my posts HERE and HERE. The second week has been easier in some ways, but harder in others. I'm feeling more comfortable in the kitchen, I have … [Read more...]