Hello friends! Let's Catch up with some Life Updates! It's been entirely too long since I've written a blog post. It's been a combination of writer's block, lack of motivation, and day-to-day duties. Why is there always a pile of laundry? Why do my kids always need snacks? Who stole all the matching socks? Anyways, I thought I would ease myself back into writing by sharing … [Read more...]
February 2019 Goals: Thankful Hearts
February 2019 Normally, I marvel at just how fast the month has gone by. Well, not January. It seemed like the longest month ever! With multiple bouts of sickness, snow days, and the Polar Vortex, February 2019 couldn't come fast enough. After returning back to school from Christmas break for one day, I had a kiddo home sick the next. It ran through our entire house, … [Read more...]