Before I get to the good stuff, let me start with the great stuff…
You still have 24 hours left to bid at The Walker and Willis Auction to Combat TTTS! In case you’ve missed my millions of posts, I’m hosting an Online Auction. The money raised will go to help pay for the park rental, food, water, etc. for the Walker and Willis Birthday Walk to Fight TTTS, with the remainder going straight to the Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation. There are a TON of great items, like amazing hand made items, restaurant/shop/gas gift cards, art work, photographs, and gift baskets. Please come and check it out, bid a lot, and win great items. Paypal only please and thank you. Auction ends Saturday, February 7th at 8pm CST.
Now, on to the rest…
My oldest had his Kindergarten Open House. Kindergarten. I just can’t believe it. It seems as if just yesterday, we were bringing this little baby home. We had no idea what to do with him.
Now, in a few short months he’ll be in school. All day. Whoa. What am I going to do with all that free time? Just kidding. I was just fantasizing there for a moment. My day won’t be all that different since he is my easiest child most of the time. I am certainly going to miss him, though.
When I was in kindergarten, a million years ago, we went either in the morning or afternoon, and were home by lunch. The day consisted of mostly play time, a little rest time, and the occasional fun art project. Now, my son will be gone from about 8 am (depending on bus schedule) until 4 pm (again depending on the bus.) At the open house, they gave us a schedule that made me tired, so I can’t even imagine how the 5-year-olds do it those first few weeks. Math, reading, computer stuff. Wow. Times have certainly changed. PLUS, there are 5 sections of kindergarten. Yes, you heard correctly 5! That means there are at least 100 new little bodies in that school come August. I don’t even want to think about what this means in terms of the germs we will now be exposed to. I think I will put that on the back burner for now until I adjust to the idea of this whole school thing in general.
And speaking of things related to school, in a round-a-bout way, the twins graduated yesterday! They are graduates of the Stepping Stones Developmental Program!
They met with Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, and a Neonatologist. No one had any concerns or mentioned any long term effects from their prematurity. We got the certificates, a round of applause, and would have had a nice send-off, had it not been for the screaming children. Hungry and nap deprived would have been enough, but the red car that had to stay at the hospital pushed everyone over the edge. Needless to say, there are no happy graduation pictures. We just got a little push into the elevator and a wave as the doors were closing.
It was definitely bitter sweet. I won’t miss walking down that long hallway, the smells, or the sounds of the NICU (the clinic is right next to the NICU,) but it was nice to have all those professionals following our little one’s progress. It gave us the sense that we were doing a good job with our tiny, miracle babies (that now aren’t so tiny…29 and 31 lbs,) that they helped make well. As the nurse went through the list of everything in their charts, it really made me remember how very, very sick they were. Thank goodness for all those wonderful nurses and doctors in the NICU.
Which brings me to my last little plug of the night. Please, please consider joining us in raising money for the March of Dimes. This will be our second year as a family team, and we would love to have everyone walk with us. It would mean so much to our family. If you’re not local, then please consider a donation. I really want to make our team bigger and raise more money for this wonderful organization. Just click here to help.
Both Twin to Twin Transfusion and Prematurity have impacted our lives in ways we never could have imagined. Now, it’s our turn to help others who face the same battles.
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