With the beginning of the school year, much of the blog focus has been on my oldest. So, today, I thought we’d check in with the twins. I’ll share what they’ve been doing, where they’ve been going, and their new favorites.
If you’ve been following the blog for a while, you’ll know that the twins turned three in May, however, they weren’t really due until August. So, even though they are “officially” supposed to be caught up, in some ways they are still a little behind.
For one, we are not potty training yet. My husband, especially, has been trying to get them interested in the potty, but with no success. They have been promised treats of all sorts, but nothing seems to be very motivating. I think when they are ready, they will let us know.
They talk A LOT. I mean they don’t stop. It’s hard to get a word in, especially for my oldest son…who is also a big talker. My bigger guy is easier to understand, and I think his brother will catch up soon. My little guy always seems to be a couple of weeks behind in development, and that’s OK. He had a little rougher start.
As for activities, we’ve been heading to the gym a lot. It’s actually a pretty big deal because they’ve never been in child care before. They did have an awesome babysitter over the summer, but now it’s nice for them to go to a place where there are other kids. The best part is that they really seem to like it. (Plus, mommy gets a workout/alone time.)
They run into the gym, slowly walk down the stairs holding the railing, then run to the child care center. Everyone knows they by now, so they are greeted with lots of smiles. They patiently wait to get their “stickers” on their backs before they are let into the area. The childcare labels each child with their name, number that their parent signs in on, and what cubbie their bag is in. They are very secure and thorough, which I love.
Usually, they don’t even turn around to say goodbye, they just run into play. Lately, my bigger guy has been saying, “Mommy, you come check on me?” To which I reply that I will, then he goes off. They play nicely (no more incidents since the first day,) and sit and eat their snack with everyone at snack time. When I come back, they both run out and say, “Mommy we had fun.” Hooray!
Other than the gym, we run errands, take walks (still LOVING our collapsible wagon and get asked about it every time we go out, see the picture below for how you can get your own,) and visit Grandma and Grandpa during the day. Grandpa takes them to the zoo on occasion too. Then we always come home for lunch, attempt to take a nap so mommy can get some work done, and then wait for big brother to come home.
The twins’ favorite things have not changed much since my last post, but here’s a little refresher.
- It’s still all about trains and/or cars
- “Mommy, build me train tracks” is the favorite phrase
- Gordon has returned from vacation because only my little guy likes him now
- Molly is no longer a favorite train, as she is metal, and they like all the wooden trains for some reason.
- Favorite shows are now Sam, Sam (Netflix,) Thomas the Train, Calliou, Word World, and various Disney (Netflix) like Mickey and the Beanstock
- Favorite books are Dr. Seuss books like One Fish Two Fish, The Places You’ll Go, and Green Eggs and Ham. They also still like Room on the Broom, Sneezy the Snowman, and Giraffes Can’t Dance.
- I’m still loving the sippy cups from Zak and lunch boxes from Skip Hop. We bring them with us to the gym everyday, and the boys love them too. Although, I usually only bring one, then there is a fight over who get’s to carry their “lunch” out to the car.
- Favorite foods are usually snack-type stuff. They love Goldfish Crackers, Teddy Grahams, and Pretzels. They like to eat apples, carrots, and yogurt too. Once in a while, I can get them to eat some oatmeal. They still love their milk and cheese, but we’ve been drinking a lot more water, so we don’t have bathroom issues. My little guy especially loves pizza, and they both like whatever mommy or daddy is eating better than whatever is on their plate. This is not always a bad thing, as I got them to eat some salad the other night. They both like to feed themselves, which is great, but messy. Nothing new about that.
Here are some of the favorites from my Amazon Affiliate links. There is no additional charge to you, if you’d like to purchase the product through my link, just click on the picture. I will get a few cents to help run my site…so thank you in advance.
I hope you enjoyed catching up with the twins a little. I’ll be sharing more about all three boys soon. Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you tomorrow to talk about Halloween!
You are such an active, fun, loving mom. It’s so sweet that your one son asks if you’ll check on him. I’m glad to be caught up with their favorite train – of course it couldn’t be Molly – she’s metal. Duh : )
Hee hee .Thanks 🙂
This is such a cute update! I love the idea of having posts like this to look back on. 🙂
Yes! Since their baby books are non- existent .
Their so adorable. Wow they have been busy! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reading 🙂
My kids go bonkers over Word World. I let them watch it whenever they want because it’s such a cute, fun way for them to learn words and letters. I also have Giraffes Can’t Dance, and the kids love it! It’s fun to read too lol. I’m right there with you as far as the non-stop talking! My kids will talk a hole in my head if I let them.
Exactly . After they go to bed, all I want is silence .
Sounds like they are busy little guys! I love how good they are with going to the babysitting while you’re at the gym, I’m sure that’s a big relief. I love all of their favorite books except I haven’t read Sneezy the Snowman – I will definitely have to check that one out!
It’s pretty cute! Thanks Becky!
Hi Shann,
You sue have your hands full with your lovely twins. It is so much fun when they are young. It may be exhausting at times, but savor every day. They do grow so fast.
I like the products you have put up, especially that blue cart. I do have to see if my step-daughter would like that. I’m holiday shopping starting this month lol.
Thank you Donna! We seriously love that wagon . The fact that it folds up is awesome .
Hi Shann 🙂
Great post! Fun read 🙂 Thanks for sharing 🙂 twin boys can definately be a handful yes lol!!
Oh yes!
Aw, your twins are adorable! My grandson Isaiah is three years old. He’s into Spiderman, The Minions and Big Hero 6. Now we’re introducing him to letters and numbers.
Thanks for sharing the latest with your boys! Hope you’re having a great day and feeling better Shann!
So cool your Grandson is the same age . Thanks Cori!
Love this! I wonder all of the time if I will think of my preemie’s due date all the time and you just showed me that you do 🙂
Yes, I think I always will 🙂
They are so stinking cute. And you guys look like you have a blast!
Oh my gosh you have your hands full but they sound like such cuties and you are such a good mom!
Awe. Thank you Krysten!
I can only image how crazy fun your day must be, as well as crazy exhausting!! Thanks for sharing!
Yes….it definitely is crazy and fun. Thanks for reading 🙂
Sounds like they are doing so great! You guys are so active and have so much fun!
Thank you!
Awww they are so cute. Twins are fun, I used to many a couple of sets. It’s interesting how they have their own language too.
They really do!
“You come check on me?” SOOOO sweet!! I love watching my kids apart from me. For some reason it’s fascinating to me to see them go off on their own without the security of mom nearby. So nice that you get some time alone to work out, too!
Yes! I love to watch them before they notice me.
The Mommy workout/alone time at the gym is awesome! We need a little time to ourselves now and then. Sounds like they are doing great!
Exactly. Thank you!
My son loves trains too. We have a Thomas, but not a Gordon. Someday we’ll collect them all. I think boys just love all things with engines. (=
O my goodness that sounds like heaven that they are excited to go to the daycare! I guess I have to wait a couple more years for my muffin top to be an exciting trip! 😀 thanks for sharing!
I love this! What a great way to remember little things about them. And I love the Dino Burger shirts for obvious reasons! 😉
xo, Caitlin
And Possibly Dinosaurs
Wow they were so premie, I’m so sorry you had to go through that but I’m so happy there are doing so well! I don’t know how you do it all, I only have one toddler and I don’t have the energy to leave my house lol
I may have to look into some of those books, they look fun!
Ha! Sometimes it’s way more work getting them into the car than it’s worth. We spend LOTS of time at home 🙂