Weekend Review
Even though it’s already mid-week, I didn’t want to skip a weekend review. We had a really eventful, fun three days, and I wanted to share our adventures with a little update.
Since Mr. B didn’t have school on Friday (it was new Kindergarten orientation…I can’t believe I will have a first grader next year!) it felt like the weekend came early. I took all three boys to the gym with me, and then their favorite person, Grandpa Phil, called to ask if we wanted to go to the zoo.
It was the first nice day in a really long time, so the boys were excited. Apparently, so was the rest of the city because the zoo was PACKED!
We still had fun. We saw the penguins, the monkeys, the new baby giraffe, polar bears, seals, and elephants. We then went in the children’s zoo to see the baby chicks that had just hatched. It was time for a slushy and popcorn break, followed by a long line to go on the train.
Big C passed the time in line flirting with a group of girls waiting next to us. He asked their names, and introduced them to us. “This is my grandpa. This is my mom. This is my brother, and this is my brother.” Hilarious.
Performance Day
Saturday was all about my performance. I had dress rehearsal in the morning, which went well, and then came home to feed the boys. I also got Big C to nap with me, while Little P attempted a nap in his room. Not quite a success.
Hubby then had all the boys and neighborhood kids over in the backyard, so I could get ready. He snapped a few shot of me with my stage make-up and costume…
Then, I was off to the theater. It was a beautiful stage, and I was pretty excited to perform. I actually wasn’t even too nervous. We were the third dance, and it was over in the blink of an eye. I wanted to do it again! I think it went well, but I ordered a DVD, so I can watch (and critique) myself and our group.
Mother’s Day
This was one of the best Mother’s Day I can remember. It started with everyone letting me sleep in, and all the boys already being dressed when I got up. In matching outfits too!
We headed to brunch to meet both my parents and my husbands parents. We’ve been going to the same spot since I was pregnant with Mr. B, and it’s always quiet, not crowded with great food. This year was no exception.
The boys all got french toast, and ate really well. I got a Greek omelet that was delicious. All the moms got flowers, but they were given to each boy. We only had one little argument about the color of the flowers, then all was fine.
After breakfast, the boys, the husband, and grandpa went to the beach, while me and my mom went to the outlet mall for some retail therapy.
I got home in time for dinner, and to put the boys to bed. Such a nice mix of family and mommy time.
I hope you enjoyed the weekend review. Did you have a nice weekend? Do you have any plans for this upcoming weekend?
I’m so happy your performance went well! It also sounds like you had a great Mother’s Day!
I’m so glad you had a nice weekend! I still love that you dance…so much fun!
What a fun and busy weekend!! Glad you had such a wonderful Mother’s Day. 🙂
I love the zoo pictures! I wish we lived close enough to go visit a zoo, the nearest one is a few hours!
I am so happy for you that you had an enjoyable weekend and a wonderful Mother’s Day too! My husband made me breakfast and I received some adorable gifts from my son that he made at school. It was the best! I am looking forward to camping this weekend.
Congrats on your performance! How about a video? lol
You look gorgeous in your dance pictures! I’m sure your performance was great. It was an exhausting but fun weekend for me – we had performances of my show Friday and Saturday nights with cast parties after both shows. Then Saturday during the day we visited a food truck festival in my town, and on Sunday I went for a 9 mile run since the weather was finally nice. Happy Mother’s Day!
You look beautiful in your costume! I am sure you were great. The zoo looks like it was a lot of fun. Happy belated Mother’s Day. I am glad you had a good one. : 0 )
This sounds like such a great weekend, you’re right. A nice mix of family and you time. I’m glad your performance went well. I learned a new fact about you!
I haven’t been to the zoo in ages! :O + that’s awesome about your dance performance! I always get kinda nervous beforehand, but usually by mid-performance it calms down (key word = usually). Don’t beat yourself up when you’re watching it! (I have a tendency to nitpick every last detail on my own performances, but just trust that the audience will nottt know any better, as long as you just kept going! :]! ). I’m glad you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!
What a fun weekend! I love that you performed too. Fun learning more about you. The zoo looks like so much 🙂
Oh, how awesome. I know you did good and that the boys had fun
OMG I WANT TO SEE A VIDEO of you performing!!
Oooo sounds like you had a great weekend!!! Trips to the zoo are always the best 🙂
looks like a fun–and busy!!–weekend. my weekend was great…we celebrated my son’s third birthday! this weekend will probably (hopefully!) be a little more low-key. 🙂
So fun! You boys are adorable.
I love that you still perform! I stopped after I had my second born. I hope you enjoyed every second of it!! Happy late Mother’s day (: