Honor Mothers With Mother's Day coming up on Sunday, I couldn't let a happiness post on Friday go by without dedicating it to the moms. Some moms will be celebrating with loved ones, while others will be thinking of the loved ones they've lost. It can be a day of very mixed emotions, but no matter what, it is a day to honor mothers. Mother's Day of 2012 was a very difficult … [Read more...]
Friday Five with a St. Patty’s Day Twist
Friday Five Have you ever felt like a little rain cloud was following you around? Well, in my case it's been a snow cloud. Literally. The other day, I was cleaning the snow from my car, and no matter what I did, snow kept falling on my head. It was actually quite comical. So instead of focusing on all the yuck, I'm going to share the good things with you in my Friday … [Read more...]
Weekend Review
Weekend Review Even though it's already mid-week, I didn't want to skip a weekend review. We had a really eventful, fun three days, and I wanted to share our adventures with a little update. TGIF Since Mr. B didn't have school on Friday (it was new Kindergarten orientation...I can't believe I will have a first grader next year!) it felt like the weekend came early. I took … [Read more...]