The Gym Again?
Yes! I made it to the gym yesterday!
If you read my post about working out yesterday, you know that I am slowly getting back into my routine after being sick. Well, I’m happy to report I was back at Zumba, plus did the ab workout afterwards.
I did get a little more red in the face than usual, sweated a little more, and needed a lot more water, but overall, felt pretty good. I also took a lot of extra time warming up and stretching out after, so that I’m not sore today. I have a bunch of little ones counting on me to teach them all about ballet.
I also brought the twins along, and they were pretty excited to be there. Well, at least that’s what I’m guessing, since they ran into the childcare without so much as a backwards glance. I’m definitely not complaining. It allows me my workout without any of the mommy guilt.
How to choose
Today, I have a guest post on Not Now Mom’s Busy, and I’m confessing all the reasons that I love my gym.
Getting a workout at the gym isn’t for everyone, but I’ve found a place that we really like, that keeps me motivated, and that really works for my family. I’m hoping my reasons for joining the gym can help you decide if it’s the right move for you and your family too.
I’d love if you headed over HERE and read my post. Please let me know what you think of my reasons, and let me know if you belong to a gym too. If not, what do you do to stay active? I can’t make it to the gym every day, so I’d love suggestions…besides chasing 2 three-year-olds around or breaking up their wrestling matches.
I think it is great you can go to a gym to workout especially with little ones. For financial reasons right now I choose to work at home which works for me. I will either get on our treadmill in the basement or do a workout video. I try to get my workout done first thing in the morning.
My kids are up by 6 am, and I just can’t make myself get up earlier. So, we usually go around 9 or 10 am.
That is wonderful that your gym has a childcare area that the kids love. You are jumping right back in to your workout routine as if you’d never paused!
Yes! Thank you!
I love the gym. 🙂 But I go late at night so I can workout on the treadmill for a looong time haha! It’s my space to think or read a book and it’s SUCH a stress reliever!
Good for you on making it back to the gym–and love that the kiddos enjoy the daycare so you can enjoy some mommy time 🙂 Off to read your other post now. Hope you’re having a great week!
Thank you so much Charlotte!
I don’t belong to a gym currently. I used to but I never went…it was so bad. LOL
I use to love going to the gym but because of my work schedule, family I just work out at home! I love Lindsey Brin DVDs.
I’ve never heard of her, so I’ll have to check her out. Thanks!
I wish I had more time to join a gym. That is one of my biggest goals when my kiddos get older and things shake out a bit so I have more time. The gym will be a priority!
I’ve never been a big fan of the gym, but I have been able to get a walk in the past few days. yay!
I like that…exercise accidentally. 🙂
Thank you so much Cori! I’m so happy to be contributing!
I’ve been actually thinking of getting some Zumba DVD’s, so I can do them when I can’t get to the gym or when they don’t have a class that fits our schedule. Any recommendations?
Awe. Thank you! That makes me happy.
Yes! Exactly. 🙂
Awe. Thank you so much, Tiffany. I really appreciate that.
It is good to get back into the swing of things. It is good for you and it is good for your boys!
I am much more likely to workout if I got to the gym then if I try and workout at home. Working out at home just isn’t for me. I need out of the house.
Good for you! I liked your guest post!
Thank you so much!
i keep debating joining a gym, I think I need to seriously look into it.