I made it! I survived a weekend of training alone in a strange city. More importantly, all 4 of my boys, husband included, also survived.
BUT, before I get into that…..I just want to say Thank You! I’ve crossed the 200 mark on Facebook, and it really makes me smile. I really hope my blog is helping or entertaining or a little of both. It means so much to me that someone is actually taking the time to read and follow our journey…so Thank you!
Now, back to our regularly scheduled blog…
I have to say it was really strange being in a hotel room all by myself for two nights. No one sitting on my lap or following me into the bathroom. Actually getting to eat an entire meal and watching real people on TV (although, with all those channels there was nothing good on!) I also got to take advantage of daylight savings and get an extra hour of sleep. Sorry to say my husband did not get the same. Not even close. It was also very, very quiet, which was mostly wonderful, but it was also a little lonely. I can’t say I missed changing diapers or breaking up wrestle-mania in the living room, but I did miss the snuggles and hearing “mommy” 40 billion times a day.
As for the training, I think it went really well. I got right back into work mode, and most of the mommy-brain fog lifted. I took notes, I practiced the tasks, and I even took (and passed) a test.
So, what am I going to be doing, you ask? It’s nothing to glamorous, but I’m excited about the opportunity. I’m going to be managing a demonstration of kitchen equipment ( a stand mixer and attachments) in a discount retail store. I’m responsible for scheduling my team, product inventory, sales, and I am the point of contact between the store and my company. I also will be doing some of the demonstrations myself! I’ll be wearing a microphone, so it reminds me a little of my former life on the stage.
I’ve been participating in conference calls, and I have a walk through of the store tomorrow. It’s going to be getting hectic for the next 10 days, but it’s kind of fun. It definitely is a break in the routine for me.
Speaking of routines…I’m trying to keep the kids in their routine as much as possible. My 5-year-old will keep going to preschool, and luckily, Grandpa has taken over the transportation for him. The rest of the time, I’m working with both sets of grandparents and my husband to keep everyone on track. Please cross your fingers and knock on some wood that everyone takes their naps, eats their meals, and that no one gets sick!
I really hope I can do a great job so more opportunities arise in the future. I also hope I don’t let slip through the cracks…although, laundry and cleaning can wait, right?
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