Fall Bucket List
Since it’s almost Halloween, and the Fall is going by super fast (almost as fast as the summer!) I thought I’d check in and see how we’re doing with our Fall Bucket List.
Do you remember what was on it? Yeah. Me neither. Let’s take a look.
Fall Bucket List
Look and collect colored leaves at a State Park
Celebrate Family Birthdays
Go to a Pumpkin Farm and get a Pumpkin or Go Apple Picking at an Orchard
Visit the Zoo a couple more times
Go Trick or Treating!
Find/make and wear a costume myself this year.
Here are the wins so far…

Bucket List Wins
We celebrated my oldest Son’s 6th Birthday. If somehow you missed those posts, you can see them HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. Hint. If you want to see me in a Gold Bikini, you’ll check them out. (I’m totally kidding….just checking to see if my husband is reading this.) It was Star Wars inspired, so there is a gold bikini in the decorations.

We also went to a Pumpkin Farm where the kids got to ride a train, pick a pumpkin, go on a hay ride, bounce in a Jumpy house, AND go Trick or Treating.

The twins have been to the zoo a few times with Grandpa, and my oldest got to go on another train with his other Grandparents. I’ve got all of our costumes ready for this weekend too! We’ll be going to a Halloween Party, then Trick or Treating.
The only thing we haven’t done is gone to a State Park or an Apple Orchard (although both Grandparents have brought us Apples from orchards and neighbors.)
I think we’ve done pretty good so far, and Fall isn’t over yet!!!
I’m hoping to do some kind of Fall craft with the kids, like those cool leaf etchings I’ve seen in a few posts. The twins made some awesome Vampire hand prints in Childcare the other day, and my oldest has a Harvest Party coming up at school later this week. Lots of Fall fun to be had by all. Let’s just hope the weather stays nice for a few more weeks…at least.
Are you enjoying your Fall? Did you make a Fall Bucket List? What have you checked off so far?
You are so adorable! I love your adorable costume!
Awe. Thanks 🙂
We did just about everything except for a corn maze this year. We just never had time and when we did the weather didn’t cooperate.
Nice. I’ve seen a lot of awesome things on your blog….many that I wanted to do!
This a fun bucket list! Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome. Thanks for reading 🙂
We cant wait to trick or treat! I am getting in costume too
Hooray! I love when parents get in the spirit too.
Creating a bucket list is such a great idea! I feel like my October/Halloween season has been wasted lol… definitely going to try bucket lists from now on
Awesome! Thanks!
I don’t think I’ll EVER be too old for the pumpkin farm! I look forward to it every year. I think my fiance and I were the oldest people who rode the hayride without kids. lol
Haha! That’s perfectly fine. I used to go before I had kids too. 🙂
I always love it when people look back at their seasonal bucket lists to see what they’ve accomplished. I didn’t have one for fall… which is a good thing, because it’s been a busy few months!
So fun! Love this time of year….
What a fun list! I will have to steal some of these for my brood! LOL
What a great bucket list. Those costumes are adorable <3
So fun! This fall has totally flown by and I don’t even have a pumpkin yet! Or a costume… haha I kind of feel like I’m skipping Halloween this year. Usually we have a friend’s party to go to each year, but they just had a baby and we didn’t really seek out other plans. Oh well. I at least have LOTS of candy to hand out 🙂
It’s always fun to do that and see all the costumes come by. I like that better than walking around, actually 🙂
The one thing I really wanted to do this month I have failed at doing. That was visiting a pumpkin patch. Due to being busy and crazy weather I won’t be able to go this year. The boys costumes are adorable! I said that I was going to dress up for Halloween this year but I doubt I will.
You still have time! 🙂
Wow, you knocked out a lot of items on that list! And I definitely laughed at the gold bikini bit. I was like, “Hey, I think I missed that post…” 😉
Hee hee….at least someone read it 😉
Your kids are so cute!!! Thank you for sharing!!
So cute! What a fun list!!!!! I love dressing up too 🙂
Such cute costumes! You and your family seem to be having a great fall! I need to make a bucket list like this!
Clothes & Quotes
Thank you!
Halloween is almost here. My boys give me a count down every day.
Love it!
These look like so much fun!
Glad to see you knocking things off your list
Thank you!
I am in the process of doing my bucket list thank you for your idea and inspiriation.
Thank you for reading 🙂
I’m working on my 2016 goals list at the moment! Always planning, key to success!
Seems like there’s plenty of time to hit a state park. You’ve definitely done some awesome fall worthy things! Love the costumes!
#3 is my fave!!!
A fun bucket list – I love your photos!
Your boys are too stinkin’ cute! I wish I had apple orchards by me!
This is a great idea! I need to do this next year
We haven’t made it to our corn maze yet – we were supposed to go last weekend but it was POURING. Hopefully we can go after Halloween.
Your boys are adorable! It looks like you’re having a great time celebrating Halloween!
Thank you! 🙂
Love it. I’m such a fan of the bucket list.
My kids would love to find a pile of leaves to jump in. We may need to find a yard and rake for free if we can play in them! I would like to dress up this year. I always dressy kids up but it would be a nice change.
You can come rake ours….I’d even pay you! It’s covered!
Pumpikin patches are so much fun! Happy Fall!
Shann, 6 yr olds rock! Love the Star Wars theme. I did make a fall blog to do list. Finished all but one so far. So I’m also pleased. Have fun trick or treating this weekend. Those costumes are so cute.
Thank you so much Brooke 🙂
What a fun list! 🙂
I love your fall bucket list! What a great idea:) I wish we had an apple orchard to visit near us. I’d say you’re doing pretty good since you only have a couple of things left to do on the list!
Thank you!
I’m doing great with everything on your list. I just need to rake up and jump in a big pile of leaves and I will be done with mine! 🙂
Nice! 🙂
I love the new look of the blog 🙂 Your bucket list sounds like so much fun and I’m glad that you’re actually getting out there and doing the things you listed instead of just talking about them.
All the Best,
Thank you!
Glad to see you’re tackling the list, I can’t wait to do an update!!
My favorite things about fall are going to haunted houses, watching scary movies and going to the pumpkin patch. I’m really sad too because we have a pumpkin patch close by, but I haven’t had the chance to make it there this year and they’ve already closed for the year 🙁
Oh no! Already? Darn it.
We missed out this year. I am very depressed this year and we have not been going out a lot. I can’t seem to get the life in me to do things. ..
Awe. I’m so sorry to hear that Dana. If you ever need to talk, please email or message me. I’m a good listener.
Lovely memories with your kids and really showing how to relax and enjoy life.
So fun! We havent been to a pumpkin patch this year! Waaahhh! Maybe Saturday!? LOL.
Oh my gosh they are the cutest! Too bad the fall is coming to an end so soon :/
I love updates like these! I really need to do one for my blog. I feel like I’ve failed at checking things off my list this season.
You’ve still got time 🙂
We are LOVING fall so far here! I love the weather and the beautiful colors!
If I’m able to get a pumpkin before the holiday this weekend, I’ll call my bucket list complete!
Nice 🙂
I am enjoying Fall and the cooler weather we get here in Arizona.
Fun bucket list. We’re going to skip pumpkin farm this year…
Good to know you’re almost done with your list! The twins look like they’re loving this season! Good luck on trick or treating! Have fun!
you are a rockstar! you did so many activities…i’d love to go apply picking as well.
Your fall bucket list looks so much fun, your kids are so cute and they really had fun and enjoyed.
Halloween is not a very big event here in my country. It looks fun there.
Sounds like a lot of fun! And such cuties!!
Oh my goodness the zebra costumes! I love it! Can’t wait to hear more about your fall adventures. 🙂
I am enjoying the Fall although snow is always threatening to come! Glad to see that things are going well with you and yours!
I lost at number one. Here in Florida the trees don’t turn nice bright colors during the Fall.
That’s why I moved back to WI. I missed the Fall (and my family) too much.
We visited a pumpkin patch! And now that our Texas weather is cooler, we have talked about camping in a state park. And I did make my Halloween costume, but I bought the kids’ costumes. Once our leaves finally change colors, we’ll have to collect leaves too. I want to make a leaf mural! So, I’m kinda close to your bucket list! Well, two things at least. (=
I like the leaf mural idea too!
You have such fun things on your bucket list! I hope you’re able to do them all!!! <3
Cute costumes! The twins are looking forward to their first trick or treating adventure.
Looks like you rocked your fall bucket list! Good job! If you make some fun crafts, be sure to share!
I really like the idea of having a short-term bucket list. It really focuses the mind on getting things done. I might just steal the idea and create an autumn list at once and follow it up with a Christmas/winter list.
Awesome! Do it! 🙂
Great job on your list – and great pics – thanks for sharing! I have more items on my list than I’ve been able to complete yet…we’ll see what I accomplish in November!
The main thing I wanted to do this year was go to a pumpkin patch but we never had a chance 🙁