October 2018 Goals It's been a long time since I've written a post like this...June 2018 to be exact. I'm excited to get back on track in all aspects of my life, and the beginning of a new month seems like the perfect time to do it. In addition to personal, family, and professional goals, I'm adding a health category to my October 2018 goals. It will help to keep me … [Read more...]
Our Autumn Bucket List, Easy Fun for Fall
Autumn Autumn is definitely one of my favorite times of year. I just celebrated my birthday, our wedding anniversary is in a couple of weeks, and my oldest, Mr. B's birthday is also coming up. How can he be turning 7? Not possible. Even though we usually only have about 3 warm months in WI, I love when the weather gets a little bit cooler in the Fall. I think this summer … [Read more...]
Fall Bucket List Update
Fall Bucket List Since it's almost Halloween, and the Fall is going by super fast (almost as fast as the summer!) I thought I'd check in and see how we're doing with our Fall Bucket List. Do you remember what was on it? Yeah. Me neither. Let's take a look. Fall Bucket List Look and collect colored leaves at a State Park Celebrate Family … [Read more...]
All about Halloween
Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays, mostly because I've always like to dress-up. When I was little, that was my favorite thing to do. We had a giant trunk of my mom and grandma's old clothes, and I would dress up (and often dress my little brother up too,) for hours. When I found out there was a holiday made especially for this activity, I was all in. In … [Read more...]