Bright Side
It’s been cloudy and rainy all week. I think the sun may have tried to poke through halfway through, but it wasn’t nearly enough. With the gloom outside, it’s also been a challenging week inside. However, I’m choosing to look on the bright side today.
Here are the things that made me happy and grateful.
Bright Side of Family
Mr. B
Mr. B has been upset coming home from school lately. He’s been worrying about things, and I can see my anxiety in him.
However, it has given us a chance to talk and snuggle. I love that even though he’s now a big 8-year-old, he’s still happy sitting in my lap. Here’s some other happy things about Mr. B:
- Great progress in reading. It has been a long struggle, but he’s working hard, and it’s paying off.
- A great email from his teacher.
- A new Wolf Scout! He did great with his ceremony.
- Hours and hours of play with all his new Legos (thank you for all the great birthday gifts!)
- Watching new episodes of The Flash together
The Twins
I think the twins have anticipated the time change. They’ve been up every morning at 5:45 am. This makes for a cranky mommy in the morning, and very, very cranky twins that get off the bus.
On the bright side, they have not been fighting as much. Even though they are up at the crack of dawn, they’ve been playing nicely, singing songs, and even helping themselves to snacks. I’m not so sure if the last thing is a good one, but if it keeps them a little quieter, I’ll take it.
Other good things:
- Great behavior at school
- Working on doing things on their own…like jackets, zippers, and shoes
- Being sweet. Little P said, “Thank you for coming to our Fall party!” and Big C keeps telling me how cute I am. He’s such a flirt.

All of Us
- No cavities! The twins even sat nicely through an X-ray.
- Family movie night, complete with snuggles and popcorn (because of a day off school)
- New windows!!!! Makes such a difference in the temperature of our house!
- Cleaning and rearranging all the kid bedrooms – Mr. B got a loft bed, with tons more room to play, plus a desk! The twins got Mr. B’s old bed. We got rid of their old crib/toddler beds, set the mattresses to the side so they both fit, and it actually looks like a kid room, instead of a baby room.
- Cleaning out my own closet! Finally!
The Rest of the Bright Side
And a random list of all the other things I’m grateful for this week:
- Costumes in dance class. I even dressed up!
- A couple good workouts.
- No expensive fix for my car! It wouldn’t start, but then it finally did, got it checked out, and nothing was wrong?!
- Grandpa to the rescue! The kids are off school, but since my car was gone for a couple of days, I have a ton to do. Grandpa volunteered to spend time with the boys…which they love.
- Boys coloring and cleaning up when I ask. This doesn’t happen every time, but when it does, time to celebrate!
- Hot Showers Alone!
- Hair Appointments made Hair color TBD
- Wine with great friends and a Purse Party
- New Dance bag ordered Which may or may not have been the result of wine with friends.
- New Books to Read
- Jane the Virgin is back
- Fun school Party with the twins
Plus, it’s almost Halloween! I’m excited to dress-up the boys, and they are even more excited about the CANDY!
I hope you have a lovely weekend, and get a chance to see the bright side, no matter what the weather forecast.
Beautiful post full of great milestones! Thanks so much for sharing!
Oh yay, I am glad you could find so many ‘good things’ during a rainy week… 🙂 I am always super-excited when you don’t have unexpected car expenses LOL
You’re so optimistic! Way to concentrate on the good things!
Happy that you could find some bright things. Rainy days do make the days look gloomy.
Looking on the bright side of things is really helpful, especially when you are a mom with younger children that test your patience daily!
Hot showers alone.. lol! You know you’re a mom when…. 🙂
I seriously love all of the pictures of your boys. They’re the biggest hams. hehe!
Your perspective is amazing and inspiring. I hope with the time change that your boys don’t wake up any earlier than they are already. Oof! That must make for a long, trying day.
It’s always great news when your car doesn’t need an expensive repair. I feel the same way.