Bright Side It's been cloudy and rainy all week. I think the sun may have tried to poke through halfway through, but it wasn't nearly enough. With the gloom outside, it's also been a challenging week inside. However, I'm choosing to look on the bright side today. Here are the things that made me happy and grateful. Bright Side of Family Mr. B Mr. B has been upset … [Read more...]
Rained out and Cleaning up
It was a rotten day here today. Rainy, cold, and just plain miserable. Even though we're in the last days of May, it sure doesn't feel like it. I hope this isn't an indication of the weather we'll be having this summer! My husband was supposed to take my oldest son to an outdoor movie, but even without the rain, it was just too cold. There are a lot of places having … [Read more...]
March for Babies and Weather Alert
Tomorrow is the big day. I've been begging, bugging, and pleading for donations for the March of Dimes for the past couple months, and the March for Babies is finally here! While not all of my fundraisers were complete successes, I am so grateful for the overwhelming support our family team got this year. We raised over $2000, which was our goal. Woo Hoo! My husband is … [Read more...]