Sharing Goals
Monthly goals really motivate me. I like creating lists and having attainable things to achieve. I could just write a list in a journal or keep it on the computer, but I’ve gotten back in the habit of sharing them on the blog again. Sharing goals is that extra push I need to keep myself accountable.
If you don’t have a blog, or don’t feel comfortable sharing goals with a large group of people, consider sharing goals with your partner, with a friend, or even with your kids. They may not know exactly what you’re talking about, but you can teach them how you’re following through on something that’s important to you.
Even though I don’t achieve my goals each month, it helps to have something to work towards and something to strive for. I always feel more like a work in progress than a finished project, but that’s OK. There’s always next month.
April 2017
Before I share this month’s goals, let’s take a look back at April and see what happened.
Personal Goals
Try to get to the gym 4 times a week.I’m honestly not sure if this happened the week everyone was sick, since it was a blur of doctor visits and laundry, but I know it happened the last week!- Drink more water! I’m going to say No to this one. I didn’t really keep track, but didn’t really notice an increase.
Go to bed earlier.I’ve been working on this one, and most nights it happens. I don’t always fall asleep or stay asleep, so I haven’t noticed a huge change in energy yet.- Find new ways to de-stress. Does watching the Vampire Diaries count?! Ha!
Family Goals
- Celebrate my husband’s birthday and
EasterNope to Husband’s Birthday (everyone was sick or getting over being sick) and Yes to Easter Figure out Summer and Fall plans for the twinsWe were denied any financial help for the 4K program, so the boys will be heading to Kindergarten in the Fall. It sucks that money has to play a part in that decision, but that’s life. Over $7 K for a half-day program is just not an option right now.Get in a new routine with our new activities. We’ve added 2 days of therapy for the twins, and all three boys will be starting soccer.Yes! We have not missed or been late to anything!Raise a lot of money and March for Babies!While we didn’t reach our goal, we did raise over $1200 for the March of Dimes. (ps. You can still donate by clicking HERE. It’s never to late to help babies have a healthier start in life!- Plan the twins’ 5th Birthday. I’ve thought about it. Does that count? I do have a theme and some decorations, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten.
Blog Goals
Get back to writing at least 2 posts a week. Try for 3.Yes! I made sure to post a Micro Preemie Monday post, as well as a Friday post to link up with the What’s Up Weekend Link-up- Write out an outline of content for the month. Nope
Get those email sorted and answered once and for all.I’ve actually improved on this, so I’m crossing it off for now.- Get my blog security figured out Still working on this
Overall, with all the sickness and busyness of the month, I think I did an OK job. I am happy to see April end, and I am looking forward to this month. It’s finally got to get a little warmer, right?
So, here we go with May.
May 2017
Personal Goals
- Drink that water!
- Meditate for 5 minutes before bed. Stretch for a few minutes when getting up. Instead of being vague by saying “find a new way to stress,” I’m going to try these ideas to see how they work for me. I’ll report my progress.
- Get better quality sleep by going to bed earlier, not having media/TV on right before bed, and de-stressing (see above!)
- Stay consistent at the gym
- Dance my heart out Not only do I teach little ones, but I still take a Modern Dance class myself. We have a performance coming up in a couple of weeks.
Family Goals
- Celebrate the twins’ 5th Birthday
- Celebrate Mother’s Day with the boys and our Mothers
- Get a date night to celebrate my husband’s birthday finally
- Finish out Soccer and the School Year Strong!!!
Blog Goals
- Stay consistent with posting at least 2 times a week
- Finish working on security
- Complete at least 1 sponsored post
Now, it may not seem like a lot to you, but I think we have our work cut out for us this month. My main focus is to stress less and enjoy more. I’ve been really grumpy and moody lately, and I know it’s due to stress. I’m really hoping the meditation will help, but I’m open to any other suggestions.
What are you monthly goals? What stress relieving ideas do you have for me?
It really sucks when everyone gets sick! Not only are they all miserable, but it also completely derails all of your grand plans! And oh my goodness your boys will be starting kindergarten! My oldest will be, too, so it will just be the twins and me at home during the day. Good luck on your goals this month! 🙂
Oh mama I am with you on the water. I am TERRIBLE at drinking enough water. I set out to start drinking more of it yesterday and did well on day one (pats self on back) so here’s hoping I can keep up with it this month. Good luck with all your other goals too!
I think you did a great job for April! April kicked my butt – I’m putting up my goals post tomorrow but I know I didn’t even think about many of them.
It does look like you have your work cut out for you but you can do it Mama!!
I think you did well for April – especially with all of you being so sick throughout the month! I hope you can feel yourself de-stress during the month of May. I do think getting more sleep is a biggie, and just eating better can sometimes help. In general though? Carve out some “me time” if you can?
Thanks Lauren!
I hope the meditation works for you!! P.S. I do think watching Vampire Diaries counts 😉
Oh no! What happened with your blog security!?
I was getting hit with a bunch of referral spam. Also, need to switch to https instead because of some new regulation.
This is a great post! I love the accountability. I really need to spend some time on me and set some goals to know what I’m achieving every day, week and month <3
Your goals posts have always impressed me, lady. You know what my favorite thing on your list is? Dancing your heart out. I love it! 🙂
You and a couple of others inspired us to create the Mantras and Goals link up. 🙂
Girl, do you have WordPress? if so, download the Akismet plug in. I used to get crazy spam and log in attempts last year.
Happy Friday Momma! 🙂