Life Lately How can I describe life lately? Hmmmm. Hectic? Productive? Exhausting? Unpredictable? Yes, yes, yes, and more yes. With a snap of my fingers and a blink of my eyes, it's finally Spring, almost May, and nearing the end of the school year. How did we get here so fast? I haven't written a post in quite a while because I can barely keep my head above water. … [Read more...]
March 2018 Goals: Breathe through the Stress
March 2018 March 2018 is here, and I'm definitely ready for this new month. I want more sunshine, less crying, and less stress. I'm not completely sure the last one will happen. We have some major family events happening, and it's going to take a lot of focus and deep breaths to get through it. Well, at least for me. As I've mentioned before, I suffer from anxiety and … [Read more...]
Sharing Goals for Accountability: May 2017
Sharing Goals Monthly goals really motivate me. I like creating lists and having attainable things to achieve. I could just write a list in a journal or keep it on the computer, but I've gotten back in the habit of sharing them on the blog again. Sharing goals is that extra push I need to keep myself accountable. If you don't have a blog, or don't feel comfortable … [Read more...]
Battling Anxiety: Five good things on Friday
Anxiety I've talked about it a little bit, but I've been battling anxiety for most of my life. It's not just a little nervousness or healthy fear, it's full-on, debilitating, makes my life stop anxiety. It is truly an illness. I've tried dealing with it on my own, talking to my family doctor, seeing a psychiatrist, and taking medication. It's taken years to find the right … [Read more...]
Back to your regularly scheduled program: 5 on Friday
Regularly Scheduled Program Spring Break is O-V-E-R!!!! School is back in session!!! Strep throat is out of our house finally! Oh wait. Well 2 out of 3 isn't bad, right? (It claimed another victim this week, but more on that later.) For now, it's back to our regularly scheduled program of school, preschool, and work. It's not that I don't love spending time with my … [Read more...]