Bad Mom Bad mom, terrible mother, worst mama in the world. Just a few titles I feel that could describe me today. This isn't exactly a new feeling, but lately I've been feeling like more of a bad mom than usual. Maybe it's the weather (it's been freezing with no sunshine,) maybe it's my lack of sleep (just not getting good sleep lately,) or maybe it's just a combination of … [Read more...]
Saturday Night Party
If it wasn't for the #30DayWriter Challenge, I may have skipped today, but I am not one to give up on a challenge. We had a pretty late night last night. Well, late in comparison to our usual Saturday night. I'm talking 10:00 pm, and we were still out. With all three kiddos. … [Read more...]
The Secret of the Nap and Bedtime routines
The Nap Oh, the nap. How I love thee. I don't want to jinx myself, but I think I've finally cracked the napping puzzle. In case you don't remember, ever since the twins transitioned into toddler beds, nap time has been sheer torture. It usually ends up with some yelling, screaming, and lots of crying. The crying is mostly from me. I am not ready for them to give up their … [Read more...]