Getting a cavity as a kid can be scary. Let's be real. No one enjoys getting a cavity filled. It's uncomfortable, not to mention expensive. When you add in a pandemic that comes with new procedures and health concerns, it can be even more challenging. Not only is there the fear of the unknown for your child, but you may have your own concerns when it comes to their health and … [Read more...]
After Hours Emergency: What to Do
An Emergency Can Happen at Any Time. Actually, they usually happen at the worst times, don't they? Well, we had an emergency last night, and it taught me a lot about how unprepared we actually were to handle one. So, I wanted to share our experience in order to help others. Even though it may not be expected, a little preparation can be extremely helpful during an … [Read more...]
Happy Endings: Change your Perspective
Endings It's that time of year where things are winding down. A couple of weeks of school left, one dance performance done, my student's performance in just a few weeks, and hopefully the end of Winter. (Seriously. This Wisconsin weather has been pretty crazy. I think we've had both our heat and air conditioning on this week.) Endings are happening, and I think we're all … [Read more...]
Toddlers at the Dentist, A Survival Guide
Dentist Appointment The idea of taking your child to the dentist may be a little scary at first, but it's very important. Did you know that you should go even if they don't have teeth yet? With my first son, I sure didn't. By the time the twins came along, I was more prepared, and wanted to make sure they didn't have any dental problems due to their premature birth. While a … [Read more...]
Summer School and Weekly Recap
We've made it through the first week of Summer School! And by we, I mean my son (who actually attended,) me (who dropped off and picked up 4 out of 5 days,) my parents (who picked up 1 day and helped watch the twins a couple more,) the twins (who accompanied me 2 of the days,) and our babysitter (who watched the twins 2 days.) When I was in school, summer school was … [Read more...]