With my baby starting KINDERGARTEN on Tuesday, I thought I would share some of his favorite things right now...and some of my favorite things about him. I really still can't believe he's going to be in school all day. I know you're sick of me saying this. I'm sick of me saying this, but I think I will be in denial until he gets on that bus early Tuesday morning. … [Read more...]
Sneek Peek Sunday, Volume 2
Hello! Happy Sunday! I hope you all are having a relaxing day. I am actually working today. As you may or may not know, on occasion, I do product demonstrations and/or pass out samples at local stores. So, today, I'm at a grand opening passing out food. I really hope that's the only thing passing out, since it's supposed to be 90 degrees, and I have to wear a long sleeve … [Read more...]
I’m officially a #30DayWriter
I did it! I completed the challenge as of today. 30 posts in 30 days! Honestly, I had been posting every day for a little while before the challenge started, but this made it official. It also made me feel like a part of something and really held me accountable. There were a few days I was really exhausted, and didn't even want to turn on my computer, but I pushed … [Read more...]
A Recap of our Week and Previews
It's been a loooooong week over here. I have NOT been sticking to my goal of going to bed every night by 10:15, so I've been pretty tired. We've also had someone stumbling into our bed in the middle of the night, every single night. How is it that someone so small can take up so much room? All the boys have a bit of a summer cold. Summer and Cold should not go together. … [Read more...]