Dr. Seuss Party A Dr. Seuss Party theme is pretty popular for twin birthdays. Thing 1 and Thing 2 are twins after all! Since we don't usually have a traditional party around their actual birthday, we went with a Dr. Seuss Party theme for their 4th NICUversary. This past August 1st and 3rd marks the fourth year that they've been out of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at our … [Read more...]
August 2016 Mid-Month Goal Check
August 2016 We've hit the middle of the month already! Can you believe half of August 2016 is over? I really can't. We've had a very busy month, and we've still got a lot to squeeze in. So, let's take a little look back on what we've done so far, and how we've done on our goals this month. As a reminder, I kept August 16 pretty simple: Finish July Goals … [Read more...]
Countdowns and How to stop Meltdowns
Countdowns There are just so many countdowns going on right now. We're less than a week from the twins' Nicuversary, a couple of weeks until my birthday vacation, plus it will be back-to-school in no time at all. I'm also going to be teaching an additional couple dance classes this Fall, which I'm excited about. Did I mention that we have to fit potty training, dental … [Read more...]
On the Day You came Home
The Day The day was August 3rd, 2012. It was a Friday, but that's all I remember about the day. I don't remember if it was hot or cold. Rainy or sunny. I don't remember what I ate, or even if I ate. I don't remember what I was wearing, and I probably didn't brush my hair or teeth. I just remember getting that phone call. You were ready to come home. It wasn't completely … [Read more...]
July Goals with a June Recap
July Goals It's a Holiday weekend, but I still wanted to share my July goals with you. The weather here in Wisconsin made it feel like summer got a late start, and now it's just speeding by. My husband just reminded us that it's only 6 months until Christmas. Ugh. I just can't even think about that. Or snow. Anyways, in between baseball games,BBQ's, parades, and fireworks, … [Read more...]