Vegas We just returned from Las Vegas. With our entire family. Yes, you heard me correctly. We brought the twins and Mr. B on my birthday trip to Vegas...and we had a great time! When I told people I was headed to Vegas to celebrate my big birthday, I got all the normal responses of excitement. Then, when I told them we were bringing the kids, they looked at me like I was a … [Read more...]
Thirty before Forty Update
Thirty Things Since I'm turning the big 4 - 0 this year, I've made a list of thirty things I'd like to do before my birthday. When I named the list 30 things to do before the end of my thirties, there was some confusion and many people thought I was only turning thirty this year. While I would love, love, love that to be true, it is NOT. I will be thirty plus ten. So, I … [Read more...]
Reasons I feel like a bad mom
Bad Mom Bad mom, terrible mother, worst mama in the world. Just a few titles I feel that could describe me today. This isn't exactly a new feeling, but lately I've been feeling like more of a bad mom than usual. Maybe it's the weather (it's been freezing with no sunshine,) maybe it's my lack of sleep (just not getting good sleep lately,) or maybe it's just a combination of … [Read more...]
No Costumes Allowed: Halloween Cancelled
No Costumes? I had a completely different post planned for today, but I was completely caught off-guard yesterday. I received an email from my son's teacher saying there were no costumes allowed in school. What?! He had an awesome costume party last year in pre-school. I was actually even planning to dress up when I went in to volunteer at his art class. No Costumes … [Read more...]
Developmental Assessments
Since the twins were born so early, from 18 months until 3 years old, they attended a developmental assessment clinic called Stepping Stones. They wanted to look at their physical skills, like walking and climbing, as well as their fine motor skills and cognition. Today, I wanted to go back and share their first visit with you. About a year and a half ago... Of course … [Read more...]