Summertime is finally here! The sun is finally shining, everything has turned from brown to green, and the kids can play outside without sweatshirts. Summertime in Wisconsin is officially started! While this summer may look a little different due to closures and health concerns, we are still planning for a great few months. Less screen time, more activity, and fresh air are … [Read more...]
Practice Makes Progress and Other Life Lessons
Practice You've probably heard the phrase "practice makes perfect" through the course of your life. However, perfection is pretty hard, if not impossible to attain. So, instead of setting myself and my family up for failure, we're going with a new phrase around here: Practice makes progress! There has been a lot of practice going on around here lately, and I wanted to … [Read more...]
Spring Cleaning: Body, Mind, and Space
Spring Cleaning Even though it's only about 30 degrees outside, Spring is finally here in the Midwest. Well, at least technically. So, that means it's time for Spring cleaning! Not only are we going to work on cleaning and refreshing our house, but I want to work on cleaning up my eating and my attitude. It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm actually looking … [Read more...]
Running in Circles, on a Treadmill, and a Track
Running Running has never been a favorite of mine. Even though I was on the track team in middle school, I did the long jump and the hurdles. When I would go to the gym in college, it was always the stair stepper or the elliptical. Running was just not my thing. Now, it seems like I can't get away from running...both literally and figuratively. The Striders My oldest, … [Read more...]
In a Funk? Five ways to get you out of it.
Funk No, I'm not talking about that weird smell coming from the very back of the refrigerator. I'm talking about my mood lately. I've been in a funk. Crabby, moody, and not very nice are all probably ways my family would describe me these last couple days. It's all well deserved and more. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed, and letting my emotions get the best of me. … [Read more...]