Blogging Break Since I've started, I haven't taken much of a blogging break. Well, it's time. Sure, I don't post each and every day anymore, but I still post at least a couple of times a week. In between writing, I promote my posts, work on photos, and brainstorm ideas. I network with other bloggers, work on my writing skills, and also contact companies. I definitely put in … [Read more...]
In a Funk? Five ways to get you out of it.
Funk No, I'm not talking about that weird smell coming from the very back of the refrigerator. I'm talking about my mood lately. I've been in a funk. Crabby, moody, and not very nice are all probably ways my family would describe me these last couple days. It's all well deserved and more. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed, and letting my emotions get the best of me. … [Read more...]
Vacations needed after you’ve just been on Vacation
Vacations Even though we just got back from my Birthday Vacation, I'm in desperate need of another vacation. Are vacations ever really that relaxing? There's all the excitement of going, and then you try to squeeze in as many fun things as you can while you're there. Plus, if it's a family vacation, like we just had, the kids add a whole other element to it. Let's just say … [Read more...]
Sick and Sorry
Sick for way too Long As many of you know, I got hit with a stomach bug last week, and I've been sick ever since. It's like the never-ending yucky feeling. Ugh. It started in the middle of the night last Monday, was the worst on Tuesday, and has gotten better since....but I'm still not 100%. I'm not sure if I caught it from my oldest, who got sick in the middle of the … [Read more...]
Days are long, but the months go fast
Long Days Do you ever feel like your days go on forever, but all of a sudden a whole month has gone by? Like, how is it already almost the middle of February, but at the same time how is it only 9 am on Thursday? The last few days have seemed like an eternity. I guess being sick will do that to you. However, my oldest son is already past 100 days of Kindergarten! 100 … [Read more...]