Blogging Break
Since I’ve started, I haven’t taken much of a blogging break. Well, it’s time.
Sure, I don’t post each and every day anymore, but I still post at least a couple of times a week. In between writing, I promote my posts, work on photos, and brainstorm ideas. I network with other bloggers, work on my writing skills, and also contact companies. I definitely put in a couple of hours of work every day.
Until now.
I’m going to be taking a bit of a blogging break starting tomorrow, and going through the holidays.
The Reasons
Part of the reason for my blogging break is pure necessity. I have a TON to do before Christmas, and not very much time left. I know everyone has a lot to do, but I haven’t been able to do anything for the last few days.
Saturday afternoon it all started. The aches. The congestion. The SICKNESS. UGH.
My whole body was just hurting. Not the good kind of muscle aches you get from working out, but the kind where you feel you’ve been run over by a large truck. That truck then backed up over me again, and stayed parked on my face. My eyes, my head, my cheeks, and even my hair hurt. I couldn’t breathe through my nose, or hardly even blow it. I also couldn’t taste anything.
I stayed in bed most of Sunday, and by Monday, it was time for the doctor.
They couldn’t fit me in until 2 pm, but I just couldn’t wait, so I went to Urgent Care.
Unfortunately, all I got was the “virus” diagnosis. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy that it’s not something serious. But, virus means just treating the symptoms and letting nature take it’s course. It’s Wednesday, and I’m still feeling pretty bad.
I’ve been lucky that my family has been helping out. My parents kept the twins all of Monday, and my husband came home early. Tuesday was preschool, and today, Grandpa took the twins on some errands with him.
I’m off to bed as soon as I finish this.
Reasons You May Need a Break
Even though I love to write, and work on my blog, I think it will be good to take a little break. Not only will it give me some extra hours for the physical rest my body needs, but I think I’ll be able to recharge my creativity too.
I also want to take a little break from social media. It seems that I’m always on my phone checking for messages, finishing up some promotion, or just doing “one more thing” for the blog. I then start surfing around, and I’ve lost another hour or two.
I love connecting with people through the computer, but I need to connect with people in real life too.
I need to focus on my kids. Their behavior has been pretty intense lately, and maybe they are just craving more attention. I’m sure my husband could use some attention too. Or a break, since he’s been with the kids every night that I’ve been laying in bed.
I also need to get other things done. Laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, and the list goes on and on. Maybe I can finally finish cleaning out my closet.
While this blog isn’t my full-time job, I do take it seriously. It is also my emotional and creative outlet, my personal space, and a thing I have just for me. I’m sure I will miss it, even for a few days, but don’t they say absence makes the heart grow fonder?
I think everyone needs to take a break sometime, and this sickness just forced me to do it now.
Signing Off
So, why even write this?
Well, I really appreciate each and everyone that reads this blog. I didn’t want to just leave without letting you know what’s happening. Even though I may not always respond, I read each and every comment here and on my Facebook page. I love getting emails and messages from you.
So, it will just be a short blogging break. A time to heal, and a time to get some holiday things done….when/if I ever feel better. A time to really be present during the holidays this year.
I’m not sure when I’ll be back, but it will probably be before the New Year. I’m hoping to have more Micro Preemie stories to share, more goals to attain, and I still need to share my 30 before 40 list one of these days. I’ll probably share a few old posts on my Facebook page, so make sure you’ve “liked” it.
In the meantime, I hope you have a wonderful holiday, and get to spend some time with the people you love. Stay safe and HEALTHY!!!
Happy holidays!!! <3
Get well soon! A break is definitely needed sometimes and I think it’s a very good idea to focus on other things, especially around the holidays!
Thank you Becky! Happy Holidays to you!
Get well and Merry Christmas Momma. Have a fab time with the family!! 🙂
I hope you enjoyed your break and that you are feeling better and had a happy holiday! 🙂