Healthy Eating
I’ve been on a wellness journey for about 3 years now. It’s not always easy, and food is always the most challenging aspect for me. Recently, I’ve had a setback when it comes to healthy eating.
I wish I could say it stemmed from a certain incident, like my car accident, but in reality, it had been happening gradually for a while. While my accident, and the stress that came with it, didn’t help, ultimately, I can’t blame it. It’s all about me.
I’ve been lacking motivation in all areas of my life lately. I think I’ve been a bit overwhelmed, and when it all gets to be too much, I tend to do nothing.
However, I’m determined to make some changes, like writing more blog posts, and getting back to healthy eating.
Some Background
If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you probably already know this part of the story. So, feel free to skip a few paragraphs.
If not, here’s a little review.
I’ve always been relatively active, and up until college, I could eat whatever I wanted.
During college, I gained the freshman 15 and then some. I ate anything and everything, plus add in a little (or a lot) of drinking, and you get the picture. I was definitely heavier than my high school days, but wasn’t extremely unhealthy or overweight.
After college, I started paying more attention to what I ate, but never did lose everything that I gained. I still kept active by dancing and working out, but it wasn’t ever enough to lose the weight.
Then, I got married and got pregnant. I actually lost weight at the beginning because I was so sick, but then made up for it by eating everything in sight at the end. I had read that breastfeeding would take the weight right off, but that definitely wasn’t the case for me. It made me starving all the time, and as a new mom, I just ate whatever was put in front of me.
When I got pregnant with the twins, I was still hanging onto a lot of that weight, but again was so sick at the beginning I lost weight. I had to force myself to eat during my twin pregnancy, and was very conscious of what I ate. I needed to focus on protein per my doctor’s instructions, and those babies sucked everything right out of me.
When they came unexpectedly early, the stress, the pumping, and more stress helped me gain a bunch more weight.
It wasn’t until the twins were 3-years-old that I finally was able to focus on myself and my health…and it wasn’t good. I had high blood pressure and just felt terrible. I started a nutrition program where I ate 2 shakes a day, plus counted calories. It was really the first time I ever kept track of what I put in my mouth.
It worked!
The shock of seeing how many calories I was actually eating, helped me get on track. Don’t get me wrong, it was not easy.
I was hungry a lot of the time, I missed junk food, and it was hard to make the smart choices. But, I also started feeling better, my clothes started fitting better, and my health improved. No more high blood pressure!
It took a long time for the weight to all come off, but when it did, I felt really good about myself. I did a Whole 30, got into the gym habit, and was finally the weight I’d been using on my driver’s license all these years.
The Slip
Once I got familiar with the calorie counts in things, I stopped keeping track. I knew basically how many calories I needed each day to maintain my weight. I also liked eating many of the same things over and over.
Like I mentioned before, it’s not one incident that derailed my healthy eating. It was a slow process of adding snacks here and there, having a couple of drinks, and eating late at night. A busy schedule, stress, and just life took my focus away.
Even though I haven’t gained all the weight back, and it may not even be apparent that I’ve gained weight, I’m not feeling good about myself again. I’m just not feeling good in general.
My clothes don’t fit like they did, and I don’t have energy at all.
I’m still working out (because I love it, and it’s my “me” time,) but when it comes to weight, it really is mostly about what you put into your body. Or at least it is for me.
I go to the gym at least 3 times a week, and I work hard. It just doesn’t make up for all the extra junk I’ve been putting into my body, and the bad habits that I’ve been accumulating lately.
So, I’m putting this out here to make myself more accountable. I want to get back to eating healthy, having more energy, and having my jeans fit. It’s not about a number on the scale. I haven’t even stepped on a scale for over a year.
It’s all about how I feel, and I just want to feel better.
So, I’ll be giving you updates when I do my goals each month. If I find certain foods/recipes that work well, I will share them. I’m also going to take some before and after pictures.
I”m still debating if I’ll share those.
Let me know if you’re interested in following along, and if you want to join me on my new healthy eating journey. No special products, no special diets, and no magic pills. Just renewed motivation, and better choices.
It’s not going to be easy, but I already feel better by just writing these words. Who’s with me?
ShootingStarsMag says
I’m so with you. I just started dancing again – twice a week at the moment, which is good. It gets me moving and I need that. I’m also trying to JUST drink water and that’s helped. I haven’t noticed too much, but I know I’ve lost a little bit and that’s good. I actually joined a weight loss program through my hospital about a year and a half ago and I lost a lot doing that. Right now I’m not doing that specific program too much – though I see my doctor next month. Instead, I’m trying to just drink more water, move more, and try and make sure I don’t eat as many sweets/carbs, which is easy sometimes and hard others – especially this time of the year. It’s not too much about the number for me, though I want to get a bit lower and then I’ll feel better/healthier about that. Beyond that, it really is just how you feel!! We got this, lady! 🙂
Shann says
Totally! Yes, we do have this! Thanks Lauren!
Rosanna says
This is definitely something I want and need to do!
I could also eat whatever I wanted during college as well, up until I got married really.
I could blame it on my husband who doesn’t eat breakfast, would drink fizzy every day if he could and has a major sweet tooth. But it’s been my choice to start eating more snacks than I ever did before. I’m still not keen on fizzy, and I don’t drink alcohol, but in addition to the snacks I’ve also been exercising far less and eating late at night. Again, I could make excuses like spending the first 4 months after my daughter’s birth sitting next to her in NICU every day, which is not conducive to losing the baby weight. Breastfeeding never helped with that either. And although she’s been home for 11 months now, we’ve had so many appointments and struggles with eating that I could say it takes up all my time, but I know that I could find even just half an hour to exercise if I really tried. And I could definitely eat better!
So please do share your recipes and tips!
I don’t have the finances or babysitter to go to a gym, but there is a nearby pool a 3rd of the price, which I’d like to frequent, especially as I can do it with my daughter- she loves the water!
Shann says
I will! Thank you so much for sharing your story and struggles with me.
Penny Struebig says
Good luck getting back on track! Bottom line — it’s hard. I know I struggle with this all the time because I have no will power. Food is definitely my downfall!
Beth says
I’m with you – I’m trying to get myself back on a similar track, I just want my jeans to be comfortable also. I have accepted that I’m going to be 37 this year and my body is what my body is, but I still feel like I could be healthier. So I will definitely follow along with you. We can do this!
Rachel Sweeney says
Girl I know the struggle all to well… I’ve been off and on the wagon for the past few years. I look back at the times I was firmly “on” the wagon and I can’t figure out how I ever got there in the first place! I know that once you get going, it’s easier to stay going – it’s just the getting going that’s the tremendously hard part…
Shann says
Agreed! Thanks Rachel.
susan @ kid dealz says
This happened to me once, but what I found is after a certain time your body swings back and all you will do is crave healthy food.