Twin Boys
When I hear twin boys and preemies, my heart always beats a little faster.
As most of you know, my own twin boys were born at 25 weeks, 5 days. It was a long, scary journey, but I know I am not alone. Today’s Micro Preemie Monday is proof.
You will meet another set of twin boys that were born even earlier than mine. Though their journey is all their own, I always feel a strong connection with stories involving twins. Please read about Joanna and her twin boys.
Henry and Charles
1.Tell us about your babies.
Henry James was born April 25, 2013 at 1 lb 5 oz and 12 in long, 24 weeks 1 day. Charles David was born April 26, 2013 at 1 lb 8 oz and 12 in long, 24 weeks 2 days.
They were born vaginally, both a surprise since we were trying to stop labor (Henry’s water had broken almost 2 days before) and I was only contracting a few times an hour. I felt Henry’s head and was rushed to the surgical room to deliver vaginally. Chuck’s bag had not broken so they left it intact and continued to delay labor. He was born 11 hours later.

2. How long was your NICU journey? What was the hardest part?
Henry was in the NICU 105 days and Chuck was in 134 days. The hardest part was that Chuck had a much harder road. He had a spontaneous bowel perforation at 4 days old, surgery to create an ostomy, and then wiggled his stitches open at 10 days old, so they had to redo the surgery. He couldn’t gain weight well on TPN/breast milk, so it was a long, hard road to gain enough weight for his reversal surgery. It was hard to stay positive and also realistic. It was also hard when friends and family kept wanting to know when they’d be “okay” or when they’d come home, and we continually had to tell them that we didn’t know. These were our first children, so I was able to drive to the hospital everyday to visit and again every night with my husband to visit. We were fortunate in that respect.

3. Do you know what caused your premature birth?
No one could tell me what caused Henry’s water to break. I was asleep at the time and had a completely normal pregnancy until that point.
4. How are you and your babies doing now?
My guys are amazing now! They’ll be 3 at the end of April, and we are constantly reminded of how lucky we are that they have done so well. Chuck was in high risk categories for lots motor and cerebral delays/impairments, and has not been diagnosed with any. At their 2 year evaluation, for the studies they took part in, the evaluating neonatologist did not have their history. At the end of the exam, she couldn’t believe they were 24 weekers, or that Chuck was doing all he was because of all he went though.

5. What advice would you give to new preemie parents?
I wrote a book called Tiny But Mighty
in hopes that it might help someone else new to the preemie journey. It starts with their births and continues through their NICU journey and first year. There were lots of things I found very helpful, from pumping shields to bottle holders, that I was so grateful for, and wanted to make sure others knew about as well. Mostly, I think it was so helpful that one of our nurses told us that the NICU is usually two steps forward and one step back. Sometimes you have to step away and remember how far you’ve come when every day seems so challenging. 

Thank you so much to Joanna for sharing her boys and her journey with prematurity with us. I think she really gives some great advice for all of us mother’s to remember.
I’m also happy to be able to provide my affiliate link* to Joanna’s book on Amazon. I know I would have loved a book like this when I was going through my premature birth.
Please leave your comments and support for Joanna and her boys below.
*There is no extra cost to you, if you choose to purchase through my affiliate link, but I receive a small percent to help with this site.
I love reading your micro preemie stories! Always such a story of hope!
They are such precious little blessings. I’m so grateful for NICU advancements that preserve life from so early on! I’ve seen so many miracle stories because of it!
Aww sweet boys;) I love these stories! Especially when it comes other twin mamas.
Awwww loved this post Shann! So happy they are now healthy and happy young boys ready for the world 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!
Awwwww look at those cuties!!!!! These stories are so inspiring. Love seeing how great they are doing now :):)
They are such cuties! I enjoyed their story and so glad to see them doing well <3 Best wishes to them and the whole family!
Adorable. I love reading your blog. Thanks for sharing all these sweet kiddos with us!
Aw! What a awesome and incredible story. I can’t imagine having my water break so early, how scary!! But makes the end even better, what a brave mama!
They are adorable! It is amazing how far they have come. 🙂
Aw, what little cutie pies! I’m going to have to look for her book! 🙂
These little twins are so cute and am so glad to hear that they are doing fine. Another inspirational story from your bucket! 🙂
What a beautiful story! Melts my heart!