I know it’s not exactly mid month yet, but close enough. Can you believe we’re two weeks into July? I can’t. Only one more week of Summer School.The summer is just speeding by, and soon we’ll be in full on “back to school” mode. I have to admit I’m a little excited, since it will be my son’s first year at the Elementary School. I’m also a little sad. My baby is growing up! What am I going to do without him all day?
Well, I’m not going to worry about that for another month. Right now, I want to share how my monthly goals are shaping up. Here they are, in case you don’t remember:
To Do:
– Increase my Blog following
– Increase my Social Media Presence
– Spend more time with my Family
– Make/eat dinners together
– Date Night/Family Date Night
– Continue to lose weight and exercise
– Don’t yell as much
– Organize and purge closet
– Spend less money on Non-necessities
My progress:
So far, I’ve been doing pretty good. I’ve still been blogging everyday as part of the #30DayWriter Challenge. I’m steadily increasing my page views, I’ve moved to number 10 (WHAT?!?!) in the Top Mommy Blogs rank. My Facebook page has almost reached 1000 likes! So a huge THANK YOU to all you supporters out there. You know who you are 🙂
I’ve also been making at least 2 meals a week for dinner where we all sit down together. Last week, we had pulled pork one night, chicken on the grill another, and made our own Pizza’s. This week, we had our Eggplant Parmesan with Veggie Spaghetti, and also Veggie Burgers and fries another night. I’m happy that we’ve all taken the time to sit and eat together as a family, even though we don’t have a dinner table…yet.
Date nights have not happened yet. Must work on sitter ASAP.
I’ve been working out at least 4 times a week, including 1 night of Ballet, 1 day of walking, and Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred for at least 2 night. I even went for a jog last night, which I never do.
I’ve stuck to my healthy eating plan, and have lost over 20 lbs. The weight loss is definitely slowing down, but it’s still happening, so I’m happy.
The yelling has not stopped. Ugh. It’s just so hard when no one listens when you’re trying to be calm. I also have not stuck to my 10:15 pm bedtime rule, so being tired doesn’t help. I’m really going to try to get to bed this week, and see if it improves my mood.
I have also not gotten to my closet or organized anything. I’ve got to make some progress in this area soon.
On a good note, I have been limiting my spending…a little. I’ve returned a few items we didn’t need, and I’m always asking myself If I really need the item before buying it. For the most part it’s no, but there have been a few yeses.
Overall, I think my goals are coming right along. How are you doing this month? Looking towards next months goals yet?
I’m blogging for 30 days too! It’s hard work! Good luck!
Yes, it is. Good luck to you too!
wow, you go girl! I am definitely going to try your veggie pasta! I have a major change going on in my life at the moment so I am hoping to also set some equally hefty goals!
Thank you! I’m here for any support you need. 🙂
Please inspire me lol. I need some goals, I think that would help me to get inspired. I want to lose 10 lbs and have been saying that since January and haven’t done anything about it.
It took me a long time to get motivated. Heck, my babies are three and I’m finally just losing the baby weight. 🙂
Great job so far! Keep chugging along 🙂 I slacked a bit at the begining but am hitting a nice stride now..
Thank you! And good for you too! 🙂
Sounds like you’ve already gotten a lot done in July! Great job!
Thanks Becky!
Great job! You are working towards your goals which is great even if you don’t accomplish them all! I have been working on eating fresher and have slacked off a bit however still going somewhat strong! I want to work on drinking MORE WATER, have been consuming too much iced coffee! Hope you have a great week and have fun working towards you July goals!
~Amanda Marie~
Thank you Amanda!
Hahaha sorry that the yelling hasn’t stopped lol. That’s a hard one. But great job with the working out and the cooking ! Love goal posts like this one! Keep up the great work! xoxox, Kayla http://www.lostgenygirl.com
Thanks Kayla! I appreciate it. 🙂
Trust me, no one is going to write on your tombstone “She didn’t clean her closets”. There are only so many hours in the day so don’t sweat the small stuff. But definitely figure out date night…so important! Thanks for sharing via Fab Females 🙂
Ha! You’re so right! Thank you for reading.
Wow – 1000 likes on your FB page is AMAZING!! So proud of you 🙂
Congrats on all of these goals, very impressive!! Thank you for sharing with us 🙂 #BloggersHelpBloggers
Thank you so much! And I saw you’re almost to 1000 on Instagram, so congrats to you too 🙂
20 lbs, that’s awesome! Congrats. 🙂 I admire your dedication to staying healthy.
Thank you! It hasn’t been easy, but it is worth it. 🙂
Oh my gosh! You’re working and improving on SO many fronts! Impressive, indeed. I try to turn any of my yelling urges into ridiculous voice yells so they make my kids laugh (and get their attention) while also satisfying my frustrated need to be loud sometimes. Congrats on all your blog growth, too!
Thank you! That is a great idea about the ridiculous voice….I’m going to try it. Thanks again!
Wow, congratulations on losing 20 pounds. Keep up the good work.
Thank you so much!
Lol, I need to remind myself not to yell too much, too. You are doing a wonderful job with your weigh loss program.
🙂 thank you!
Loving the goals! Hubby and I need more date nights! Can get pretty difficult when a toddler runs your life & most of the time if we do get a break we want to do NOTHING lol…. Ahhhh parenthood lol
Exactly! 🙂
20 lbs!! That’s awesome! Your workout routine sounds like it is perfect for you. Obviously you getting results with it!
I’m with you on the yelling. I wish I could blame it on pregnancy hormones, but I don’t think that I honestly can. 🙁
I haven’t been doing monthly goals for the summer, instead I made a summer bucket list. It has some fun things and some work. I should go back over it and see how we are doing with it.
Ah…I was going to make a summer bucket list and totally forgot. Well, at least I did the goals, right? 🙂
Jilian Michael’s 30-Day Shred has always worked for me so I’m positive that the results you’ll get will be nice. Goodluck with all your goals this month.
Thank you!
Congrats on all your accomplishments! Don’t get discouraged about the ones you’re still working on – just keep at it! Enjoy the rest of your summer.
Thank you!
Way to go girl! You are rocking your goals, especially blogging 30 days in a row. Wow!
Thank you! It’s hard, but I’m doing it! 🙂
I used to do the 30 day shred! What a great program! Now I do HIIT classes
Oh! What are HIIT classes?
High Intensity Interval Training. It’s super intense intervals and it’s 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off (like insanity or something similar). I take a class at Lifetime Fitness but they are all over.
Ah OK. I might have to look for a class and try it out. Thank you!
They say find someone succesful in what you want to do and follow their steps, even make up one or two new steps. And this is exactly what i am doing with you! I will definetly start following this blog more often! Thanks
Awe. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that.