It’s been a rough week. Between health tests for me, school assessments for the twins, and another round of pink eye, I’m ready for this week to be over. Did I mention it snowed again? After the 60 degree weather last week, that was quite a disappointment. Instead of sulking, like I have been, I’ve decided to focus on some good to make myself feel better. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy these five things that made me smile too.
I’ll be diving into some of the heavier stuff next week. I’m just not ready to write about any of it yet.
I also realized that I’ve not written a goal post this entire year. Is this something I should bring back? Please let me know in the comments if you liked reading them each month, and I’ll start them up again.
Now, onto the five things that made me smile this week.
Bedtime Conversations
My husband and Mr. B went to the auto show on Wednesday night, so it was just me and the twins. After I put them to bed, I just sat on the couch listening to them talk to each other. It was hilarious. They will probably kill me someday for sharing this, but I will always laugh at this memory.
Big C – Is the cardinal bird a girl or a boy? (talking about a stuffed animal he was sleeping with)
Little P – It’s a girl because it doesn’t have a wiener. My elephant is a girl too.
Big C – No. Birds don’t have wieners, they are just birds.
They went back and forth about girls and boys and stuffed animals for quite a while after that. Those two crack me up.
The Gym
Even though my workouts usually improve my mood, they didn’t do much for me this week. I was especially sore and tired, but I forced myself to go almost every day anyways.
The one thing that did make me smile was my boot camp instructor. After class he gave me a high-five and told me that I did a great job. It was such a nice surprise on a day I wasn’t feeling particularly strong.
Family Meals
On Sunday, we got to celebrate a few birthdays with Andy’s family. It was nice to see everyone, and the boys were pretty well-behaved. Plus, there was CAKE. It was seriously the best birthday cake I’ve had in a long time.
Also, my Dad was nice enough to bring us a meatloaf the other night. It was perfect on a night I just didn’t feel like making dinner. Although, honestly, do I ever feel like making dinner?
Dr. Seuss Day
Yesterday was Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Mr. B’s school had been celebrating with a spirit week. Wednesday was book character day.
And here’s all three for Dr. Seuss Day:
They loved dressing up, and seeing them in their costumes definitely made me smile.
March For Babies
This will be our 5th year Marching for Babies with the March of Dimes. I really can’t believe it’s been almost five years since the twins were born. Crazy how fast time goes.
Anyways, we got our first donation this week, and helping the babies always makes me smile. The March of Dimes was instrumental in helping Big C and Little P survive. Their research on premature birth and care is so important and life-saving.
If you’re looking for a good cause to support, please consider making a donation on behalf of my 25 weeker/TTTS/SIUGR surviving NICU grads. Just click HERE.
One Last Thing
I just want to say thank you to everyone who reads my posts and Facebook post every day. From the help I got when my site was down, to someone singing the “Pink Eye” song to me, you all really made me smile this week.
Thank you for your messages, comments, and continued support. On the days when it feels like no one is listening, you show me that there is.
Autumn Stamos says
I like reading your goal posts, makes me realize I need to get up and do something! 🙂 Your boys are getting so big! They do sure grow up fast!
Hevynn Bolen says
What beautiful words. I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog. I have been addicted since I got here and I’ll be staying! I also write about my adventures with my husband through our trials and good days. I’d be honored if you visited our website.
Best of luck! Have a blessed day!
Shann Eva says
Thank you so much! I will 🙂
Lindsay @ The Flynnigans says
I wish I had the gym at my disposal last week as it would have gotten rid of some stress, anxiety and some $hit. I was 10 days without the gym (while my MIL was in hospice) so it’s really nice to be back. Holy smokes I felt like I was dying in my HIIT class today. Lol
Glad y’all are finally over the pink eye hump. xoxo