Life Changes
Life changes all the time. I’m not sure when it happened, but I’ve been finding these changes really hard to deal with lately. I guess I’m not the carefree girl I used to be.
Who am I kidding? I don’t think I’ve ever been that girl.
Sure, before kids, it was easier to go with the flow. There weren’t as many moving pieces or giant responsibilities. Now that I’m a mom and wife (and adult?) it seems a lot harder. Actually, it’s seems really hard.
I’m not even talking about the huge life changes like marriage or babies.
I’m talking about the small ones. A kid home sick from school, a car that doesn’t start, or even a cancelled dental appointment. Or how about when your computer just shuts down while you’re typing a blog post?! After you’ve finally got some motivation to write???
Yes, all life changes can be difficult. No matter how small they have the ability to screw up your best laid plans.
So, what do you do? How do you handle it?
I’m still trying to figure it all out, but here’s what I’ve learned so far.
It’s OK to be Upset
Does anyone feel like they need permission to feel upset? Even if it’s from yourself?
Well, I do.
Here’s an example.
So, you had been planning a huge birthday dinner for your husband for weeks. The day of, you get super sick and end up in Urgent Care, prompting you to cancel the whole thing.
Ok. This isn’t a hypothetical situation. This happened to me about a month ago.
Not only was I feeling physically terrible, but I also felt sad and angry. I disappointed my husband and ruined his party. Plus, I had been looking forward to it too.
But, what could I do? Not much.
I cried, slept, and cried some more. I let myself feel all of those feelings and wallow in it for a bit.
After getting out the tears and talking it out with my husband, I was able to get some rest and start to recover.
Now, those weren’t the only tears I shed. My sickness lasted way too long, and I had to miss a ton of activities and events that I had scheduled.
When I’m sick, my emotions tend to run even higher, so I was pretty miserable (and miserable to be around!) So, it was better that I couldn’t go anywhere, and just let myself feel bad.
Come Up with a New Plan
While you can’t always make up for everything you miss, you do what you can. If there’s a chance for a do-over you need to take it!
I wasn’t going to let my husband’s birthday go by without celebrating, so I rescheduled the dinner for the next weekend. Not everyone could make it, but we still had fun.
I couldn’t recreate the events that I missed, like a writer’s workshop, book club, or a mom’s night out, but I could get healthy so I could make sure I could attend the next ones.
I made sure to mark future events on my calendar, so my husband could plan his work schedule around them.
Use Your Experience
Of course, after I was healthy, my kids took turns being sick. We had another bout of Pink Eye, Mr. B had Strep throat, and I’m actually home right now with one that had a fever last night.
Through all of these experiences, I’ve realized that I’m not good with the little changes to my routine. I plan my daily workouts, schedule appointments, and mentally prepare for each day the night before. I use Google calendar and an actual paper schedule.
I am a planner, and I need to accept that about myself. Predictable things make me happy. Change does not. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t learn to deal with it better.
When I can’t get my workout in or can’t get my car in for my scheduled oil change because I have a sick kid at home, I now realize that I do not handle it well. Not only am I worried about my child, but those life changes really affect me.
I lash out at the people trying to help me because I’m so upset with my day not going the way I had pictured.
I should know this by now, but life hardly ever goes the way we picture it.
So, while I will still let myself get upset, I need to take a beat before I talk with anyone else. I need to take some deep breaths and just remind myself that the world will not end if I miss one workout. It may feel like it at the time, but in 10 minutes, it will feel OK.
Progress when Life Changes
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again and again until I believe it. I am a work in progress. I am doing the best I can, and learning from each and every mistake.
My anxiety may make me dwell on things a little longer and have a stronger reaction, but at least I know that about myself, and I think that’s progress all on it’s own.
While little life changes may always bug me, I won’t let them break me.
I love this! I can get easily frustrated by changes – even the small ones. Anxiety often comes out in frustration or irritation, I think. I’m sorry sickness made you miss some fun events – but it’s good you are feeling better and hopefully you will have a lot more exciting things to do in the future!! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
We learn a little bit about ourselves every time we react to a setback. It’s good to know what triggers our emotions – and how we best manage them. Especially, it’s great to know how to get back on track afterward, and who better to know that than you? Love this post.
Beautiful post with real messages! Thanks for sharing these life tips! I also strongly believe that with every down in life, there will be an up!
Great reminder of a post! Life happens and I think we all forget to just breathe <3 Thanks for sharing this!
I’m with you, I’m a routine kind of person and I find it much harder to deal with that routine being disrupted now than I did when I was younger or well, childless. I know my anxiety is a big part of that too. I like all of your tips for dealing with it, especially coming up with a new plan. I am a “fixer” so finding a solution is a productive way to deal with disruptions.
It sounds like we could be sisters. This post really struck home with me. I pinned it so I can come back to it from time to time. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much!
Such a great and useful post. Going with the flow is one of my biggest struggles! I am very much a planner and hate when things don’t go according to plan.
I think the first one, “it’s okay to be upset” is the most important! Why do we always think that in order to have a good life every day has to be perfect and we have to be happy? Sit in your feelings, learn, and get better next time!