I will always be grateful to be safe at home with my family. That doesn't mean, however, that it's not hard. It also doesn't mean that there aren't new challenges everyday, or that I wish things could go back to the way they were before this virus happened. Being safe at home is a blessing, but it has left me with many different emotions. I'm safe at home, but I'm … [Read more...]
Physical Symptoms of Anxiety
Anxiety is not just mental. The physical symptoms are real. The physical symptoms are also real tough. It's hard to move through life when you're experiencing pain in both your mind and body. Not to mention the stigma surrounding mental health issues. I've been feeling terrible lately. Sometimes it's hard for me to determine if my anxiety has caused some of my physical … [Read more...]
Restart, Reboot, and Retrain
It's time to restart the engines. I've been having a tough time around here lately. I feel like I've taken 5 steps backwards, yet can't find the way (or motivation) to get back on track. The restart button needs to be pushed. I need to be pushed. So, I'm using my birthday as a chance to reboot the system. Changes are going to be made whether I'm ready or not. A … [Read more...]
Life Changes: How to Roll with the Punches
Life Changes Life changes all the time. I'm not sure when it happened, but I've been finding these changes really hard to deal with lately. I guess I'm not the carefree girl I used to be. Who am I kidding? I don't think I've ever been that girl. Sure, before kids, it was easier to go with the flow. There weren't as many moving pieces or giant responsibilities. Now that … [Read more...]
Spring Cleaning: Body, Mind, and Space
Spring Cleaning Even though it's only about 30 degrees outside, Spring is finally here in the Midwest. Well, at least technically. So, that means it's time for Spring cleaning! Not only are we going to work on cleaning and refreshing our house, but I want to work on cleaning up my eating and my attitude. It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm actually looking … [Read more...]