Single Mom
I just survived a whole week as a single mom.
I know. I know. A week doesn’t seem like a lot. Especially considering my boys are older now. But, it was still a challenge for me.
Between school activities, their extracurricular activities, and my work, it was a long, tiring week.
Big Deal.
In the grand scheme of things, a week is a very short amount of time. I also know that many women do it full-time, and it’s just a part of their daily life. It’s just not something I’m used to.
I’m pretty spoiled.
My husband doesn’t travel for work. He doesn’t hunt or go out-of-town very often. He does work long hours, but he will rearrange his schedule when I need him to.
My husband is also really great about giving me alone time. He works very hard for our family, and he deserves alone time too.
We also are super lucky to live near family. They help out with babysitting, meals, and were a huge help during the time after my accident.
So, even though I was a single mom, I wasn’t really ever alone. I had plenty of help when I needed it. But, I am proud of the things I managed to juggle by myself too.
Where to?
So, even though my husband doesn’t go many places, he does like to go and visit his best friend. Lucky for him, he happens to live in the Virgin Islands.
His friend works as a chef, and lives on a boat. That, and the fact that I’m not so crazy about flying, made my decision to stay home an easy one. Plus, in our almost 10 years of marriage, we’ve never left the kids for an extended period of time. I don’t think I could be that far away and actually enjoy myself.
Our week
Of course, the week my husband is gone is always a busy one.
The boys had an open house/ice cream social, a field trip, soccer practice, and a game. I had work, a special workshop, and a blog event.
Luckily, my mother-in-law took two shifts for my workshop and blog event and my niece watched the boys for the first time (EVER!) while I worked on Saturday. It went great! I think. When it comes to getting information out of my boys, it’s next to impossible to get more than a one word answer.
Now, before you think I did nothing at all, I want to share my wins of the week….
The Wins
- Slept with at least one boy in my bed the entire week. Most nights it was two. One night it was all three, so I took the couch.
- Served healthy breakfasts every morning. Cherry Pop-tarts are totally healthy. They have the word Cherry right in them.
- Only had ice cream for dinner one night. And Mcdonald’s one night. And Burger King one afternoon.
- Did NOT watch a single episode of Ozark without my husband.
- Went to bed early every night, yet managed to get absolutely no sleep. See bullet point one above.
- Fixed up things around the house, including hanging new curtains in the living room, changing the light bulb in the overhead fan, and got the garbage out to the curb on time. Plus, I unclogged both toilets. Gross.
- Only had one major breakdown, and I held out until Sunday. But, it was a GOOD one.
- Did absolutely no grocery shopping, but did order myself a sweet pair of boots from 6pm.
- Made a huge dent in the laundry. Didn’t put any of it away, but I washed a ton of stuff. Clean piles are better than dirty ones, right?
The Even Bigger Wins
- Got to see my boys’ classrooms, and each one was excited to show me everything in it. Including some awesome artwork!
- Seeing Mr. B win his 2nd soccer game! Undefeated for the season!
- Went to the gym 5 times, despite not being able to go at my usual early morning time slot.
- Listening to my boys singing songs from the radio while they are playing. Hilarious, and a great reminder to choose my stations carefully.
- Lots and lots of snuggle time.
- No bedtime fights. This was mostly due to the fact that they all got to sleep in my room, but I still consider it a win.
- Getting back in the writing groove.
- Went for my second dry needling appointment and got some pain relief.
- Spending time with an awesome friend.
- Hardly watching any TV, since the boys took over.
- Getting homework done, lunches packed, and on the bus on time every day.
- Fixed 2 toilets! I know I already mentioned it, but it was so gross and such a big deal, I had to mention it twice.
The Most Important
- I kept everyone alive, healthy, and mostly happy all week.
- I was reminded how truly wonderful my friends and family are, and how much we all love each other.
- A newfound respect for all single parents out there. Parenting is hard no matter what, but I’m so lucky to have someone down in the trenches with me every day.
He’s Back
My husband tried to sneak into the house last night around midnight. He showered, and then tried to climb into bed, only to find Mr. B on his pillow. I’m a pushover, what can I say?
Despite the weather here, he was happy to be back. Even though they drive us crazy, and I drive him crazy, it’s a good crazy most days.
So, we’re back to our “normal” routine with a healthy appreciation for what each other does in our family.
Now, I’m going to lay in our bed ALONE and watch some TV with real people in it.
Congrats on surviving your week with your husband gone! I struggle with my one kiddo when my husband has to travel for even a few days, so I give you major kudos for handing things with your three for a whole week! I laughed about at least one boy in the bed, my kiddo definitely camped out with me the last time my husband was gone for work. Truth be told, I kind of liked it though. I’m glad things went well and I’m even more glad your husband is back so you can relax a bit more!
this post rings so true for me.. i get my eight hours of sleep, we all eat healthy, and so on..
Both of my sisters are or have been single moms for extended periods of time. It is NOT an easy job. Props to you for making the best of the week!
Love it! I can’t imagine being a single parent – even for a week. There’s just so much involved, with everything they need and everything you need. I’m glad it was a good week though and you did have lots of help, but yay for your husband being home!
You did it mama ! I have one kid and when my husband was away i had to do so much planning and play dates to keep him busy . But we enjoyed our time together