Complicated Pregnancy Premature birth can come unexpectadly, but often times it comes after a complicated pregnancy. This is so hard, as one highly emotional experience leads to another. So many different things can lead to a complicated pregnancy. Most of the time, even the doctors don't know why it happens. It can be hard not to blame yourself, but you did nothing … [Read more...]
Holding Everything Together: Luke’s Story
Holding Everything Together When you're in the NICU, everything is a struggle. Your sweet baby is trying to survive physically, while the parents are trying to do the same thing emotionally. Not to mention everything else in your life doesn't stop. There is work, school, family, and just day-to-day living obligations. Holding everything together during an experience like this … [Read more...]
Growth Restriction in Single and Multiple Pregnancies
Growth Restriction Growth restriction during pregnancy is a very serious condition. It is called IUGR, Intrauterine Growth Restriction, in single pregnancies, and SIUGR, Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction, in twin pregnancies. Unfortunately, it is also a condition that I am very familiar with, as one of my twins suffered from it. According to WebMD: Intrauterine … [Read more...]
Micro Preemie Mondays with Evangeline and Noelle
Today's Micro Preemie Monday is a story that hits close to home for me. You will meet Micro Preemie Twins who were born almost the same gestation as my boys. In addition to being Preemies, they also are survivors of TTTS and SIUGR. Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome and Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction are both very serious conditions of the placenta where one twin … [Read more...]