Hello! Welcome back to the week. It feels like Monday!Did you have a great Labor Day weekend? Most of our weekend was filled with family, fun, and food. There were a few bumps, but mostly a great weekend. Let's take a look back. … [Read more...]
August Complete, September Goals Made
I know I'm a few days late, so let's get going! Let's first look at what I wanted to happen in August Vs. What Actually happened: … [Read more...]
Sneek Peek Sunday, Volume 3
Hello! Are you having a nice Sunday so far? I hope so! It was a really long week over here. We had twins behaving badly, lots of activities, and not much sleep. To say I'm happy the week is over would be a HUGE understatement. I did get a very nice surprise in the mail, plus we had some nice weather, so it wasn't all bad. I also did some jogging, which is a really new … [Read more...]
July Review and August Goals Set
July went by REALLY fast. So fast, that I was working on my goals until the very last second. Seriously. So, how did I do? … [Read more...]
July Goals – Mid Month Check-up
I know it's not exactly mid month yet, but close enough. Can you believe we're two weeks into July? I can't. Only one more week of Summer School.The summer is just speeding by, and soon we'll be in full on "back to school" mode. I have to admit I'm a little excited, since it will be my son's first year at the Elementary School. I'm also a little sad. My baby is growing up! … [Read more...]