November 2017 I'll admit I'm happy November 2017 is here. October was a busy month filled with birthday parties, school field trips, house maintenance, health appointments, and kid activities. It ended on a good note with Halloween, but there were a lot of bumps along the way. It was the month of one step forward, two steps back. For example, we took everyone for a fun … [Read more...]
Looking on the Bright Side of a Rainy Week
Bright Side It's been cloudy and rainy all week. I think the sun may have tried to poke through halfway through, but it wasn't nearly enough. With the gloom outside, it's also been a challenging week inside. However, I'm choosing to look on the bright side today. Here are the things that made me happy and grateful. Bright Side of Family Mr. B Mr. B has been upset … [Read more...]
New School Year Challenges and How to Cope
New School Year Challenges With anything new, there is an adjustment period. A time of trial and error. And sometimes lots of errors. This Fall has been a huge change for us, and new school year challenges have made an impact on everyone in the family. Not all the challenges have been bad, but they are things we need to work on...otherwise they would be a challenge, … [Read more...]
School Decisions for Twins: What Preschool Taught Us
School Decisions School decisions are hard for any parent. No matter what choices you make, you want to do what's best for your children. You want them to have the best learning experience in the right environment. When it comes to twins, those school decisions also include choosing to keep them in the same classroom or separating them. How do you decide? How do you know … [Read more...]
Progress and Moving Forward
Progress Little by little, I've been making some progress this week. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed and emotional lately, as you can tell by some of my posts. Thank you so much to everyone who read and commented on Reasons I feel like a Bad Mom, Preschool Problems and Hard to be a Blogger. I felt a lot of love and support, and I also got a lot of great advice. So, I … [Read more...]